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I paused, contemplating his question before answering. Truth was, I hadn’t really had time to miss anything. Everything had been such a whirlwind since I’d arrived, and honestly I hadn’t really thought about much at all except Bear.

“No,” I finally answered. “At least not yet.”

He nodded, smiling at me quietly. We walked for a while, leaving the people wandering at the cliff’s edge behind us until we were alone on the trail. Our words fell away as we took in the majestic view below as we wandered along, the peacefulness of the wilderness washing over us. My heart slowed, my breathing steadied and the stillness of the forest seemed to seep inside me, capturing all the restlessness and anxiety and dissolving it until nothing was left inside of me but pure serenity.

We rounded a corner and the view changed, the valley below us twisting and turning. After a while, we came upon a huge house-sized boulder that jetted out at an angle over the cliff, the trail winding around behind it. We stopped to admire the view. I stood there in awe, mesmerized. Bear stood behind me and slipped his arms around my waist, leaning in and brushing a kiss against my neck. I moaned, arching back into his warmth.

“You look so beautiful out here in the wilderness,” he murmured.

I smiled, loving the solidness of him behind me.

“Thank you,” I said. “I’ve always been amazed to think that people used to live out here, surviving in such harsh conditions, barely shielded from the elements.”

“Yes, we’ve gotten soft as humans, haven’t we?”

“I suppose,” I replied.

We stood there for a moment, looking down into the valley, Bear holding me close. After a moment, his grip on me tightened and I felt his cock stirring against my ass. He let out a low groan and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Chloe,” he growled, “you make my cock hard as a rock every time I’m near you.”

“Hmm,” I murmured. “Am I supposed to apologize for that?”

He laughed and turned me around, kissing me hard before replying.

“No apologies necessary,” he growled. I looked up into his eyes and saw the rawness there. I swallowed hard, my heart racing as I stared up at him. “But you do need to take care of it.”

“Here?” I asked in surprise. “Now?”

“On your knees,” he ordered.

“But the snow…” I said, looking back down the trail. “The people…”

“Then just squat down and don’t worry about the people! Do as I say!” he barked, unzipping his jeans and pulling out his beautiful hard cock. I jumped into action, bending my knees and gripping his shaft, sliding it between my lips, his guttural moan my reward.

My nipples hardened as I twirled my tongue around the velvety skin of the head of his cock, sucking his hardness into my mouth. I couldn’t help but keep my eyes open, the fear of getting caught rushing through me as I frantically slid his cock in and out of my mouth. His hips moved, his hands holding my head tightly as he fucked his cock into my mouth, his hardness throbbing against my tongue deliciously.

“Stop!” he demanded and I jumped again, looking up to him. He reached for my hand, pulling me up and walking me over to the huge boulder we were behind and pressing me up against it. I faced the rock and he stood behind me. I looked over my shoulder, waiting for instructions.

Surely, he’s not going to fuck me right here, I thought.

I was so wrong.

He reached around me, unfastening my jeans and pulling them down around my thighs, exposing my bare ass to the freezing cold. I gasped as the frigid wind hit my skin.

“Bear,” I protested. “It’s so cold…”

“Not for long,” he said, smacking my ass with his warm palm, hard. It stung, sending shivers of pain and pleasure through me. He hit me five more times and by the time he was done, my ass was warm and tingling.

His fingers sank into my hair as he grabbed it and pulled back, whispering in my ear.

“I don’t like it when you complain,” he growled, before shoving his cock into my pussy fast and hard. I whimpered at his words, at his sudden thrust inside, but quickly, I submitted to him, opening myself up to him, lifting my ass as much as I could to allow him easier access to my pussy.

He moved against me, the force of his blows pressing me into the boulder as he fucked me harder and harder. His cock felt amazing and my ass was still stinging from the blows of his hand, the cold air blowing against the hot, red skin sending shivers throughout my body. The faint sound of approaching voices startled me and I turned my head, my eyes wild with fear.

A slow smile spread across his face as he whispered in my ear, his cock thrusting hard and fast inside of my quivering pussy.

“Are you afraid, Chloe? Are you afraid someone’s going to see what a nasty little slut you are? Are you afraid they’ll see your bare little pussy getting pounded by my hard cock? Are you afraid they’ll see who you really are?”

His words shot daggers of pleasure straight through me, my pussy spasming around his cock as I cried out.

“Bear, fuck me, please Bear!” my voice echoed through the canyon below.

The voices became louder and closer as he slammed into me, harder and harder, until he was coming too, his cock bursting inside of me as an animalistic growl escaped from him.

I shuddered, not from the cold, not from the fear of getting caught, but of the sheer strength of his thrusts and his orgasm ripping through me.

Slowly, he pulled out, slapped my ass a few more times and then took a step back. I looked over my shoulder at him, my hands up against the rock as I looked back at him, waiting for further instructions as the voices came closer.

He smiled, a slow, sexy smile spreading across his face as he nodded.

“You can get dressed,” he laughed, zipping up his pants.

I leaned down, pulling up my jeans and fastening them, just as the group of people rounded the corner. My face flushed hotter than my ass as we walked past them and back down the trail. Bear grabbed my hand and laughed.

“My name sounded pretty good echoing through the valley like that,” he teased.

I shook my head, laughing, the thrill of the moment still running through my veins.

Chapter 19

The drive back to the city was stunning. The winding roads were lined with towering snow dusted pine trees with a stream flowing beside us almost the entire trip. Ribbons of pink sunbeams broke through the trees as the sun sank into the horizon, casting shadows across the blankets of snow that covered the ground —it was an enchanting winter wonderland and I never wanted to leave.

“It’ll be dark by the time we get back to the city,” Bear said. His hand rested on my knee and besides the few moments behind the rock, he’d been the perfect gentleman all day. He was quiet and calm, a little reserved even. I was start

ing to see that was his usual demeanor until his cock got hard, and then apparently, all bets were off.

It was a little hard to get used to, but I was trying. He flipped on a dime today and I had no idea that was coming. The old me never would have fallen to her knees like that. Outdoors? In public? When I heard those voices approaching, I almost had a heart attack.

He’s definitely keeping me on my toes, I thought.

I squirmed in my seat, my pussy still sensitive and swollen from the poundings he’d been giving me the past two days.

“I had a wonderful time,” I told him, as I gazed up at the sky, capturing the moment in my mind, drinking in every single detail. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“I’m glad,” he said, glancing over to me with a smile. “I told you the helicopter ride would be worth it.”

“It wasn’t the ride that was so bad,” I laughed. “It was leaving the helicopter behind.”

“Goodbyes are never pleasant, are they?” he teased.

I laughed at his joke, shaking my head.

“Can I ask you a question?” I said.

“Oh, yes, the questions. We didn’t quite get to them, did we? Sorry about that.”

“We managed a few,” I replied.

“But not enough,” he said.

“I can’t imagine I’ll ever be finished asking questions,” I laughed.

“Good point,” he said. “I’ll remember that. So, we have a little less than an hour left on our drive. Ask away.”

I nodded, growing serious as I contemplated how to word what I wanted to know. It was simple, really.

“Why me?” I asked, my voice soft and shy suddenly. “Why is this all happening?”

He nodded, staring straight ahead at the road. For a moment, I wasn’t sure he heard me at all.

“Do you remember the first time we met?” he finally asked.

“Yes. At the restaurant, how could I forget?”

“No, before that, years before that.”

“Oh, right. At the company Christmas party. I’d just turned eighteen and Mom dragged me with her for the some reason. She’d always been so against me going. I never understood why she made me go that year.”
