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So much for being a professional, I thought. Professionalism had dropped out of sight with my resistance. So far, I’d learned a lot about Liam, but most of it I couldn’t use. I certainly couldn’t use the story about Ally, or the kids at the hospital, and I certainly couldn’t write about the immensely skilled cock that I had gotten to know so well already.

If I was going to have any chance at writing a good story, I’d have to dig a little deeper.

I looked over at Liam and smiled.

I wonder what else he’s hiding under that arrogant playboy exterior, I thought. I knew one thing, it was going to be a fuckin’ blast figuring it out.

I crossed my legs tightly, trying to keep the yearning at bay.

At least until I could get him alone again.


The plane was beyond luxurious. I tried to conceal my excitement, mirroring every one else’s nonchalant attitude as we boarded the plane. I wanted to run around the huge cabin, open every cabinet and door, check out every room. But Liam and Ian just plopped down in the huge, low-slung white leather chairs, and everyone else followed suit, as if riding on a private plane was something they did every day.

Not wanting to make a fool of myself, I sat down, too, craning my neck to see every inch of the beautiful interior of the huge plane. Behind the chairs we were sitting in, custom white leather, curved couches hugged the edges of the mirrored room, and a carved wooden bar sat in the corner. Liam pushed a button on the wall next to his seat, and a huge television screen descended from the ceiling. He pushed another button and it turned on. He began flipping through the channels quickly.

The staff was attentive and cooly professional, serving drinks and food as soon as the plane was in the air, which happened quickly and without much fanfare at all. I gripped the edge of my chair nervously, which I always did during takeoff. Once we were up in the air, though, I forgot all about the danger, and focused on my drink and the amazing surroundings.

Liam sat across from me, drinking whiskey straight, and staring at me. His gaze, instead of making me uncomfortable, only made me wish we were alone in this huge plane. He’d mentioned having sex on the plane earlier, but I had no idea how that was going to happen with everyone else around. Knowing Liam, though, I was sure he had a plan.

Ian and Rhone watched the screen together, trying to decide on a movie to watch. Every one around me began snickering and laughing when Russell Brand’s face flashed on the screen.

“Oh, fuck off, all of you,” Liam said, shaking his head and gesturing to the flight attendant for more liquor.

“What’s everyone laughing at?” I asked.

“Don’t you see it?” Ian asked, a smile spreading across his face for the first time since I’d seen him this morning.

“See what?”

“The resemblance?”

“Piss off, Ian!” Liam said again. “Don’t listen to his rubbish, Catherine!”

“I think Liam looks just like Russell Brand, don’t you?” Ian asked.

“Oh!” I replied, looking over at Liam and squinting my eyes. I could tell he wasn’t pleased with the comparison. “I don’t know…”

“The hair, the jaw, the same arrogant attitude,” Ian continued. “He’s a dead ringer for him.”

“That buffoon is a mouthy, cheeky, pirate-looking bastard, and he is nothing like me, you twat!” Liam said, his eyes flashing in anger.

I suppressed my laughter at his obvious frustration. He did look a little bit like him, but he was much sexier, much more charming, and ten times more attractive.

“Whatever, brother,” Ian said. “We’ll stop embarrassing you in front of your girlfriend.”

Heat rose to my cheeks immediately, and I looked down at my feet. I was appalled and embarrassed and completely speechless. Liam, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be bothered by the suggestion at all.

“You didn’t embarrass me, you prick,” he replied, completely ignoring the fact that Ian had just called me his girlfriend. For fuck’s sake, I thought. If there was anything to protest, that would be it. Instead, he didn’t even acknowledge it.

What the hell did that mean?

I took a sip of my juice and dug into my breakfast. Liam was the only one not eating, with just a glass of whiskey for breakfast. My stomach churned at that thought, and I was suddenly incredibly grateful for the eggs, pancakes and fruit in front of me.

After I was finished eating and the flight attendant had cleared my plate away, Liam stood up and grabbed my hand.

“C’mon, luv, I’ll give you a tour,” he said, flashing a private wink at me. I smiled knowingly and followed him to the back of the plane, my pussy quivering in anticipation of joining the mile high club.

Scratch one more item off the bucket list, I thought. Wait, make that two.

Fucking a rock star wasn’t something I’d always fantasized about but now that it’s happened, I realize it should have been there all along.

Chapter 24


I closed the door to the bedroom at the back of the plane for Catherine’s sake. I didn’t care if the anyone saw us or not, but I knew she’d probably not appreciate putting on a show for every one.

She sank down next to me on the bed and I pulled her close to me and kissed her. Her lips were soft, swollen from last night, and so warm, so inviting, I kept on kissing her. She had a way of making me feel like a teenager, enchanted with those first moments of getting physical with someone, being content with kissing for hours. I mean, there’s no way in hell I’d actually be content kissing for hours, but the fact that I wanted to kiss at all was huge. I was more of a get it in and get it out kind of guy. I hadn’t spent hours exploring a woman’s body in ages, and it was a nice change of pace to get to know someone that I was shaggin’.

I’d pushed the anger about the picture to the back of my mind. Later, I’d tell her not to use it, to delete it. But for now, I didn’t want to be mad at her. I didn’t want to do anything but touch her. I was quickly becoming obsessed with her, and it was such a strange feeling that I tried to pretend it wasn’t there at all.

After a few minutes of kissing, she let me push her clothes away and make my way down her body until my head was between her creamy thighs. She moaned sweetly as I tasted her, my tongue sliding along her pussy, licking every centimeter of her softness. She tasted so sweet, she was so wet, my cock was throbbing painfully again. I wasn’t ready to fuck her just yet, though. I wanted to feel her squirm, taste her juices flowing over my tongue, hear her cry out in pleasure and know it was because of me.

Gently, I sucked her clit between my teeth, nibbling and suckling and licking until she was writhing and panting above me. She grabbed my head, pulling me closer, her hips rising up to meet my mouth. I snuck a peak at her and smiled to myself. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy and she was completely lost in the moment. My heart swelled with my cock, and I almost stopped in surprise.

I was really starting to like her, I realized. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea, hell, it was probably the worst idea ever. It wouldn’t lead to anything but disaster, most likely. I’d probably break her heart with some asshole bullshit that I was sure to pull after too long. But watching her - naked and beautiful and writhing under my touch - I knew there was no way I’d be able to walk away without seeing it through.

Whatever happened, happened.

At this point, it almost felt like I didn’t even have a say in the situation.

And if that was the case, and she was willing, and my cock was willing, than what else could I do but keep going?

For now, that’s exactly what I’d do.

Full speed ahead.

She came in a symphony of moans and cries and whimpers, and I pulled myself up to watch the beauty play across her face. When she came back down to Earth, she opened her eyes and looked up at me.

“Fancy a fuck?” I asked. She laughed sensually, her eyes shining up at me.

“Come here,” she said, as she

wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me closer.

I already had my pants off. When I slid inside of her, she pushed up against me, until my cock was buried to the hilt.

“You feel so fucking amazing, Liam,” she whispered. I brought my lips down to hers, kissing her with all the intensity of a starving man. I wanted to devour her completely. Instead, I fucked her again, hard, without stopping, without any restraint, until she was coming all over me again.

I looked down at her and smiled. I had her just where I wanted her. Naked, and on the end of my cock.

Chapter 25
