Page 107 of Arrogant Brit

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This new life of mine that Trent and I had forged together was perfect, just the way that it was. And now, with his ring on my finger, I knew that we were going to be happy together for the rest of our lives… I even took the time to let Old Greg know about it… It just felt right.

While we enjoyed the company of our friends, my fingers slipped into my pocket for my phone. I was going to make a post to Facebook for our fans to see. That’s when my fingers brushed against the folded sheet of paper – the results from my surprise exam earlier today.

I hadn’t even told him my big surprise yet.

Trent was going to be a daddy.

The End… But I’m not done with you yet. Turn the page for another FREE special bonus novel: PROTECT AND SERVE!

Bestselling authors Kat Jackson and Nikki Wild arrive with another sexy full-length novel!

Sandra Williams is a by-the-books detective with a job to do: Protect Nathaniel Hale, the most infuriatingly arrogant and hopelessly self-entitled billionaire playboy on the planet. There’s only one problem…

He’s the man who took her virginity…

It was supposed to be an easy ride… Just spend a few days shacked up in a cheap apartment until the bastard could testify.

The rules were simple. Keep him alive, keep him quiet, and don’t have sex with him… Again…

Two out of three isn’t bad…

This is a stand-alone novel with a HEA

and NO cliffhanger.

Published by the Kat Jackson Publishing Group

Copyright © 2015 by Kat Jackson and Nikki Wild

This book is a work of fiction, any names, places, and situations portrayed within are products of the author’s imagination.

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Thanks to my husband and my wonderful children for being so patient with me. You have no idea how lucky I am to have you all.

Thanks to Nora, my tireless editor who never fails to get the job done. Thanks to my cover artist Ethan and my incredible publicist Devlin Rice.

A special thanks to the too-many-to-list authors and friends who have given me advice and helped me along the way. I may never be able to fully repay your generosity, but I shall make every effort to do so.

And finally I want to thank you, dear reader. It is your graciousness that allows me the opportunity to press these words onto paper. I could never live my dreams without you.


The last place on earth that I wanted to be was at Nathaniel Hale’s front door.

I sighed as I looked up at the obscene decadence looming before me. This was the mansion I’d come to loathe over the past few years, and one I’d ended up at more times than I cared to count. It was home to one of the most obnoxious playboys I’d ever met, a walking, talking, self-entitled stereotype who had made my life hell on more than one occasion.

And this time, I was not coming here to fuck him. It didn’t matter how much I wanted him to open this door and pull me inside by my hair for old times sake... I was here on police business, and that was the beginning and the end of it. Our history together didn’t put him above the law, and neither did his pile of money.

I stared at the thick wooden door, waiting for a response. Nathan wasn’t exactly a criminal, but he was definitely a nuisance. Maybe having a multibillion dollar inheritance dropped on your lap could do that to a person. Even now, the front lawn was strewn with remnants of another of his famous parties. I never knew what exactly he was celebrating, but it almost always involved half-naked women and rivers of booze.

And despite my best intentions, here I was again. Nathaniel Hale’s little puppet… He knew the power he held over me… Every time I showed up at his door, badge in hand, he’d flash me a lopsided grin and tell me: Loosen up a little, Officer Williams. Come on in and have a drink with me.

That wasn’t going to happen today. No matter how much I wanted it, I had to be strong. If I went through that door, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. This time, he was coming with me.

I smiled at the thought. It was about damn time some of Nathaniel Hale’s skeletons came out of the closet.

The first time I knocked on this door I was a rookie just out of the academy, and I didn’t know anything about those skeletons. Barely twenty years old and on my own, I couldn’t even legally have the drink he offered me… But Mr. Hale insisted. He knew what he was doing. I was young and innocent and he was the kind of man who gets what he wants. Maybe if I hadn’t gone inside I wouldn’t be standing here again…

I could remember following him through the door that first time, ticket-in-hand and ready to fine him for the disturbance and get back to my beat. I lost my entire train of thought as he drew me inside. I’d grown up on the wrong side of the tracks, and I’d never been close to a house this big, let alone inside one. There was a chandelier hanging over the entry that probably cost more than my salary. Music pulsed through me, the beats keeping time with my own racing heart.

Nathaniel Hale didn’t give me a chance to get my bearings. “Come upstairs and we can get started,” he said, his voice barely audible over the sounds. He had gripped my arm and led me up the stairs toward his office, the crowd of beautiful people stepping aside and letting us through. I could feel the heat from his fingertips, my heart fluttering in an unexpected way with every step we took. I don’t know why I didn’t stop him. A moment later we were standing in front of the large wooden doors, my eyes widening as he threw them open to an even more opulent study.

“Did they tell you what I like?” he asked as we made our way into the office. He moved to a large chair, leaving me standing in the center of the space in a way that made me feel totally exposed and on display.

“I’m here on a noise complaint, not to discuss your likes and dislikes, Mr. Hale,” I’d replied, more confused than anything.

“A feisty one. You must be new. What’s your name, beautiful?”

I couldn’t help myself. I blushed. Mr. Hale wasn’t some ordinary man. His face was a masterpiece, as though he’d been chiseled from the finest marble by the most divinely-inspired sculptor there was. His burnt jade eyes were host to flecks of gold near their center, orbiting his pupils and glimmering every time he flashed one of those blinding white smiles. The man was unbelievably wealthy, almost criminally handsome, and he thought I was beautiful…

“Officer Williams,” I replied curtly, trying to maintain my composure. Standing here under his withering gaze was enough to make me lose my mind. His eyes swept up and down my uniformed body, appraising me the way a lion might look at a zebra.

“You said that at the door, Ms Williams. I’m asking you for your real name,” he replied, a smile blooming across his face.

“Sandra,” I whispered.

“Turn around, Sandra.”

The words were less of a request and more of a command. I don’t know why, but my feet were moving before my brain could catch up. I found myself facing away, gasping ever so slightly as I heard Mr. Hale moving from his chair. All of my police training was screaming out. This shouldn’t be happening. What in the world was I doing?

All of my protests came to a sudden halt as his hands found their way to my hips. A tingle flashed up my spine and I was lost. He held me so softly, his chest pressing into my back and his head finding its way along the edge of my neck. Even the thrumming sounds of the party downstairs seemed to fade away as he inhaled deeply, drawing scent from my shoulder up and over my collar, his lips pressing effortlessly just below my ear.

“Mr. Hale, what are you doing?” I managed to whisper, heat rising up my body in a way I had never felt before. No man had ever held me like this. I was too busy for dating, too driven for a casual encounter. What in the hell was going on?

“You can stop playing pretend, Sandra. We both know why you’re here.”

I couldn’t bring a single word to my lips as he pressed himself tighter against me. I could feel something pressing against the small of my back. Something almost frightfully big…

His… Is THAT his… Oh my God… What am I doing?

“You’re here to be fucked… Aren’t you Sandra?”

Oh GOD! My thighs clenched together, heat suddenly blossoming from my secret place between them. The whole world was being turned upside down, and all I could do was try to breathe and make sense of it all. I felt as if I couldn’t move. It was as close to an out-of-body experience as I’ve ever had.

Nathan’s hands swept up my sides, brushing up against the edges of my breasts through the clean and creased uniform. He gripped at my arms, bringing them together behind me. Before I could make sense of anything, I felt the cold metal against my wrist.


y handcuffs!

I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I started to protest, but he caught me mid-word and lifted me off my feet, spinning round and tossing me toward the big heavy wooden desk. I crashed into it, my thighs stinging as he came up behind me again, forcing me down until my face was pressed against the cool hard surface. Without a moment’s hesitation, his hands were moving around my waist, tugging at my belt and bringing my uniform pants down around my ankles. I could feel the air sweeping across my skin, only the thin protection of my panties maintaining my innocence.

“Happy birthday to me,” he said, his voice taking on a hoarse sound as he swept his fingers over the curve of my hips. I gasped as he brought one of them around and against the inside of my thighs, forcing my legs apart as far as they could go with the pants still wrapped round my ankles. “I don’t know where the agency found you, but remind me to thank them later.”
