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‘Just so long as you’re not trying to buy me off.’

‘Can I do that with a few rashers of bacon and half a dozen eggs?’

She smiled as she hugged the phone. ‘You’d be relieved to be rid of me.’

‘I certainly would,’ he agreed.

‘I have every intention of paying you back.’

‘I would expect nothing less,’ he murmured, sighing contentedly. She imagined him sinking lower in the bath as he demanded drowsily, ‘Is that it?’

‘Am I keeping you?’

‘Yes. What are you doing for the rest of the day?’

Trying not to think about you buck-naked in a warm, soapy bath. ‘There isn’t much left of today, but I have cleared a bedroom at the guest house, so at some point I’ll be decorating and sorting it out. I don’t have time to chat.’

‘Maybe I’ll drop by later to see how you’re getting on.’

‘There’s no need,’ she said as her heart rate went off the scale.

‘I’ll bring some decent coffee with me.’

‘We’ve got good coffee.’

‘Excellent. Start grinding. I could murder a cup.’

‘Call room service.’

Luke laughed as he cut the line.

Thoroughly shaken, she threw herself back against the cold tin wall in an attempt to steady her breathing and consider the facts. If Luke did come round, as he had threatened, Margaret would be pleased. And this was all about work now. Luke never backed off once he’d got the bit between his teeth, and while she didn’t have Luke’s money or influence, her background and training—honed by four demanding brothers—meant she could bring quite a lot to the party too.

Work with Luke?

Work she could do. And she couldn’t deny that the prospect of butting heads with him on a regular basis held massive appeal.


There is a lot to be said for home-cooking.

East, west, home’s best?

It certainly is. Try looking at what’s been under your nose for years.

No! Not the moustache-in-need-of-a-wax, stupid! Luke.

MARGARET had been baking up a storm. There was a nonstop supply of succulent sausage and crispy bacon for all the people who had turned up to work. Luke had announced his intention to fast-track the project, which was great news for everyone—apart from Lucia, who wondered if she was the only one to receive the news with mixed feelings. Luke was experienced in business, while this was her first big project, and Luke wasn’t exactly noted for his tolerance levels. If she didn’t make the grade she’d be out on her ear.

There were more important things than her pride, Lucia concluded as she took a spoonful of Margaret’s soup. ‘Your cooking is what St Oswalds has been missing.’

‘Do you really think so?’ Margaret smiled happily as she turned back to the cooker. ‘If you stopped working at that club—stopped being Anita and started being the girl I used to know—all this would be worthwhile for me. You have given your notice in?’

‘Yes, I have,’ Lucia confirmed.

The two women had become close, and Lucia had never been anything but open with Margaret about the reason for her name-change. All sorts of busybodies frequented the club, and though Lucia had never made a magazine spread in her life, and doubted anyone knew her face, the name Acosta might have raised suspicions, since the family had spent many of their summers in the area.

‘I’m so glad you’re going to be working with Luke.’
