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“There’s been a murder. A family member of someone I’m close to. I have to do this, Port.”

He studied me. “Forty-eight hours, Buck. Either you’re back by then, or there’s no point in ever returning.”



The police officer’s questions sounded muffled, as though I had cotton stuffed in my ears. My response to just about every one was the same.

“Do you know why someone would want to harm your aunt?”

“I don’t.”

“It’s obvious that whoever killed her and her companion was looking for something. Do you know what that might be?”

I looked around her ransacked apartment. “I don’t.”

I studied Rock, who was on his cell a few feet away. He’d shown up within moments after I walked into the apartment, found Barb and Nancy only a few feet apart, both lying in pools of blood, and screamed. Had he been following me? Why?

Someone had covered Barb’s body with a sheet, but I could still feel her presence. It was as though her soul was calling out to me. “Do not tell them about the hidden key,” she warned.

Rock walked over and sat beside me. “Decker is on his way.”

I studied him. Decker? Why?

“You’re your aunt’s only surviving relative?” the police officer asked.

“That’s right.”

“Where were you—”

“That’s enough,” said Rock. “No more questions.”

“If necessary, I can take her down to the station,” the police officer threatened.

“Hold up,” I heard another man say. I looked into the eyes of a man who was not only the DC Chief of Police, he was someone I’d once had a relationship with, Alder Jenkins. “There will be no taking Ms. Hunter to the precinct.”

“Hey, Jinx,” said Rock.

Jinx crouched down in front of me and took my hands in his. “I’m sorry about Barb, honey. Nancy too.”

“Thanks.” I looked around at the mess in the apartment.

“Let’s get you out of here, TJ.”

I nodded. “There are some things I’d like to take with me.”

“What things specifically?”

Surely, I could tell Jinx about the key, couldn’t I? I could trust him, right? Things between us had ended, but he’d always made it clear that if I ever needed him—or wanted him—he’d be there.

I closed my eyes when I swore I could hear Barb’s voice tell me not to.

“Her laptop, along with some other personal items.”

“For now, this is a crime scene, but I’ll get you back in here as soon as I can.” Jinx turned to Rock. “Got a minute?”

They stepped away, thinking I couldn’t hear them, but I could. “I don’t want her left alone.”
