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I raised a brow.

“Yeah, I don’t like it either, but hear me out.”

It wasn’t so much that I didn’t like the idea; I was just shocked that Decker was going along with it so easily, especially given the mission that took down Fisk was as much his as it was Cope’s or Irish’s.

“And you,” I mumbled.

“What’s that?” Deck asked.

“Burns wants to keep it away from you too.”

“Yeah, all right, you’re a genius. Burns wants to keep the heat away from me too.”

“What’s the plan?”

Decker smiled. “This is the part I like.” He rubbed his hands together. “Cope will contact Doc and get him to contract out a couple of undercover gigs.”


“Inside Interpol for one.”

“Who are you thinking?”


I smiled like Deck had. He had no intention of staying out of this op. Casper worked with the Invincibles far more often than she did K19.

“Who else?”

“I’ll leave that to Doc.”

“Why did you say you liked the part of the plan where Cope contacts Doc?” asked Stella.

“I’ll answer that,” I said. “Because Doc will think it means he’s got a shot at recruiting Cope to join up with them.”

“Does he?” she asked.

“Hell no,” muttered Decker.

“Cope won’t sign with the Invincibles either,” said Irish, who I hadn’t realized was paying any attention to the conversation.

“We’ll see,” muttered Deck.

“What’ll Casper’s assignment be?” I asked.

“To get inside the executive committee. If we can get her in place quickly enough, she can be set up in time for the end of quarter meetings.”

Given Interpol was more of a clearinghouse for international crime intel, rather than an actual law enforcement agency, the organization only had as much power as its executive committee. Of the three positions—president, vice president, and secretary-general—only the latter was a full-time, paid position. The other two offices were advisory in nature and held by individuals who still worked for their respective countries’ intelligence agencies. The committee only met officially at the end of each quarter. Everyone in intelligence believed they met far more often than that in an unofficial capacity.

“Any ties to Fisk?” I asked.

“Negative,” Deck answered.

“What about Kerr?” asked Stella.

“Irish?” prompted Deck.

“Both Daniel Byrne, the current president, and Boris Antonov, his vice, served as delegates under Kerr. I haven’t been able to find a connection to Kim Ha-joon, the secretary-general, yet. However, he’s tight with Byrne and Antonov.”
