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Even if she wasn’t, Ben wasn’t sure he had the balls to try again with her. She hurt him. Bad. He couldn’t imagine opening himself up to her again.

She knew where to find him. If she wanted him, she could make the first move this time. Which, obviously, she hadn’t. Again, he had his answer. He needed to keep reminding himself she meant more to him than he did to her.

“We’re leaving in the morning,” Liv told Dottie after dinner. Renie and Billy were sitting in the family room, in front of a roaring fire.

“Who’s leaving in the morning?” Billy asked Renie.

“We are. We’re going skiing. Billy, do you ski? Why don’t I know that about you?”

“Not my thing.”

“Have you ever tried it?”

“Can’t say as I have. Where you headed?”

“Crested Butte,” Liv answered.

“That’s where Ben lives.”

“Yes, it is, Billy.”

“You gonna see him?”

“I’m going to try.”

Dottie put her hand on Liv’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you, sweetheart. You gotta take the chance. The same way you have to get back on Micah and race again.”

Both things terrified her, but Dottie was right. She had to take the chance. She’d never forgive herself if she didn’t.

All these years she resented not chasing her dream, but her dream wasn’t just to barrel race, her dream was to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved, and she could only do that if she told him so.

He saw Renie first. He was next in line for the lift and was focused on Jake and Luke, making sure they had their boards lined up and were paying attention. He looked up and there she was, flying down the hill. She looked behind her, who was she looking for? Was Liv with her?

Seconds later, Ben saw her, the woman who held his heart. Liv was skiing, and it was a beautiful sight. She was laughing, talking to her daughter, and skiing toward the racks. They must be taking a break.

“Daddy!” Luke yelled. Ben hadn’t been paying attention, and they hadn’t moved forward to get the next chair.

“Sorry,” Ben murmured to the lift operator. They couldn’t get out of line, so they moved up and took the next chair. Ben hoped he’d be able to find her when they came back down. If not, he’d camp out at the base of the mountain until he did.

Liv was in Crested Butte. That had to mean something, didn’t it? She had to know there was a chance she’d run into him. He wondered when she had gotten here. Surely they would’ve spent Christmas at home.

And where was Junior? Was he here with them? Just because he’d only seen Renie and Liv didn’t mean he wasn’t a minute or two behind them.

“How did it feel?” Renie asked Liv after they’d gotten their hot chocolate.

“Amazing! I was so wrapped up in not being able to ride again, it didn’t occur to me that I might not be able to ski.”

“You look happy.”

“I’m having such a good time with you, Renie. Thank you for coming with me.”

“Are you going to call Ben? You’re not avoiding it, are you?”

“No, I’m not avoiding it. I’m going to call him tonight. I wanted to have a day with you first.”

“Okay, as long as you’re not backing out. I’m gonna hit the ladies room, and then you wanna take another couple runs?”

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