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“So amazing.” He wiped his eyes, but it didn’t seem to do any good. There were so many reasons he wanted to cry. He was so proud of Liv he couldn’t contain his emotions.

“You must think I’m…”

“I don’t think you’re anything, except in love with my mom.” Renie put her hand on Ben’s. “I don’t know what happened, but this change in her is because of you.”

He shook his head, still unable to speak.

“I’ve never seen my mom so determined about anything. Or passionate. I never knew she had it in her, is that terrible for me to say?”

“Your mom is one of the most passionate people I’ve ever known. And I don’t mean that in the way you’re assuming I do.”

Renie laughed out loud. “I’m not assuming anything, Ben.” The smile it brought to her face stayed there.

“I better get going.”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you saying your mom knows I’m here?”

“No. She doesn’t.”

“This is her night. Not mine. I don’t know what your mom told you, but we made a promise to each other. Unless she asked me to be here, I’m not supposed to be.”

“That’s silly, she’d—”

Ben held up his hand. “Renie, your mom and I have an agreement, and if I don’t honor it, how do you think she’ll feel?”

“She doesn’t know Paige and Mark are here, either.”

“It’s different, and you know it.”

Ben squeezed Paige’s hand and winked. There weren’t tears in her eyes until their eyes met. “Thank you,” he mouthed before he stood, shook Mark’s hand and left the stands, hands in his pockets.

He only hoped he could get out of there and into his truck without completely breaking down. He was so damn proud of her. When they talked last night, she hadn’t said a word about competing this weekend, and that was why he didn’t understand Paige’s text. If she had wanted him to be here, she would’ve said so.

Something by the barn caught his eye. Liv. He watched her run into the arms of a cowboy who picked her up and spun her around in a circle. The look on her face was pure joy. The cowboy’s too. Joy.

He forgot about trying not to cry?now he worried he wouldn’t make it to the truck before his chest cracked open with the pain burning in it. He had his answer. The reason Liv hadn’t invited him to be here was because she was with someone else.

“Olivia Fairchild, am I ever proud of you!” Billy Patterson hooted at her before he swept her off her feet and spun her in a circle.

“Can you believe it? I got a sixteen point eight? I thought there was something wrong with the clock and I would be disqualified. Shit, Billy, sixteen point eight!”


; “My mom and dad said you worked hard for it, girl. They’re damn proud of you. And I hope you don’t mind me sayin’ I am too.”

“Thanks, Billy. That means a lot to me.”

“Whaddaya say we go do a little celebratin’ tonight, just you and me?”


“I’m just messin’ around, but it was worth a try. Thought maybe you’re so delirious with happiness that you forgot I don’t do it for ya. God, Livvie, I’ve loved you most of my life.”

“There are plenty of girls you do it for, Billy Patterson. Plenty. And you never loved me. I’m somebody safe you flirted with.”

“Come out with us later. I’m meeting up with your folks and some friends.” She winked at him.
