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‘Per favore,’ he breathed.

Several heartbeats ticked by, all crammed with the urge to say no. But his gruff plea wrapped itself around her heart, and, as foolish as it was to let it affect her, Mia found herself nodding.

He didn’t voice his request straight away. Instead, his hand moved from her shoulder, down her side to her flat belly, his gaze dropping to track his slow journey. ‘Tell me about the pregnancy.’

Shock held her still. ‘Why?’

His eyes rose to spear hers. ‘My seed grew inside you, and you bore my son. Whatever went before and whatever comes after, it won’t change the fact that the birth of my son is an experience I regret not sharing,’ he said in a thick, charged undertone.

Having seen for herself how enamoured he was with Gianni, his pain touched her. Regardless of who was to blame for their circumstances, she believed Rocco would’ve liked to know about his unborn child.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she let the memories flood in. ‘I heard his heartbeat for the first time at nine weeks.’ She smiled, her heart brimming with love. ‘It was loud and strong. Funnily enough, it also made the atrocious morning sickness bearable. Be thankful you missed that part.’

Rocco gave a pinched smile and sank onto the bed next to her. ‘On the contrary, I’m not thankful I missed any of it...but go on,’ he urged huskily.

‘Everything went smoothly after that.’ Mia’s gaze dropped to the handbag sitting on the floor.

Rocco’s gaze followed, his eyes sharpening. ‘What?’

‘I have a picture of the ultrasound if you want—’

‘Sì. I want. Very much,’ he insisted.

She reached for her bag, taking out her purse and the celluloid frame she kept within.

Rocco took it from her, his gaze absorbing every inch of the black and white image. Perhaps it was the naked emotion in his face that prompted her next action. Reaching once more into her bag, she took out her phone, flicked through the photos.

He took the phone from her, flicking back and forth through the images taken by her grandmother in her cottage garden when Mia was in late pregnancy. Wearing a yellow sundress with her hair long and flowing, she was the epitome of barefoot and very pregnant.

After an age, Rocco swallowed thickly. ‘Dios mio, eri squisito. I would’ve given much to see you for myself like this. So ripe, so beautiful with my child.’ His gaze lifted from the phone to her face. ‘You cared for him in the midst of uncertainty and strife. For that, you have my thanks, Mia.’

His words triggered a shiver from temple to toe, in the process flattening her tongue to the roof of her mouth. Speechless, she watched him reach out and turn on the bedside lamp. She had nowhere to hide, but her body didn’t seem interested in heeding her commands to move. So she lay there, her fists bunched in the bed covers.

Then, almost of their own accord, they slowly drew back.

Rocco inhaled sharply, his sizzling gaze scouring her body before coming back to rest on her face. ‘Sleep will be the last thing we’ll be doing if I get into that bed with you, Mia,’ he growled.

‘I know.’

Eyes locked on her, he toed off his shoes, then started to unbutton his shirt.

Mia swallowed, her senses jumping in a wild dance as she watched him shrug off his shirt to reveal washboard abs.

Dear God, he was glorious.

He paused with his hand on his belt, his eyes narrowing enquiringly on her face.

Her breath shivered out, ending in the low moan. And then she was rising, boldly placing her hands over his, brushing them away to take hold of his belt. Fingers trembling wildly, she eased it free, then slipped it through the hoops.

Rocco’s breath hitched as her fingers grazed his thick erection. Hers followed suit at the realisation that she’d stepped on a roller coaster that would only have one heady, thrilling end.

Or a new beginning?

She pushed the thought away, too afraid to contemplate the future. She was living in the moment. Whatever happened afterwards, she would deal with that too.

‘Do you intend to torture me to death with the slow teasing, amante?’

She looked up into his tense face, then looked down and realised that her fingers were frozen on the button of his trousers. Catching her lower lip between her teeth, she slowly eased it free, then drew down his zip. He gave a tortured moan, his hands jerking out to rest on her shoulders before sliding into her hair to grip a handful.
