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‘HAPPY birthday, mi preciosa.’

Sasha turned from where she’d been watching another stunning Leon sunset and tucked the blanket around their two-month-old baby.

‘Shh. You’ll wake him.’

Marco joined her at the crib. With a look of complete adoration on his face, he brushed a finger down his son’s soft cheek. ‘Jack Alessandro de Cervantes can sleep through a hurricane—just like his mother.’ He pressed a kiss on his son’s forehead, then held out his hand to her. ‘Come with me.’

‘Marco, you’re not giving me another present? You’ve already given me six—oh, never mind.’ By now she knew better than to dissuade her husband when he was on a mission. Today his mission was to shower her with endles

s gifts.

‘Sí, now you’re learning.’

As Marco led her to their bedroom she glanced down at the large square diamond ring he’d slid next to her seven-month-old wedding ring this morning. Not a week went by without Marco giving her a gift of some sort. Last week he’d presented her with the most darling chocolate Labradoodle puppy, and then grumbled when she’d immediately fallen in love with the dog.

‘I hope it’s not another diamond. There’s only so much bling a girl can wear before she’s asking for a mugging.’

‘It’s not a diamond. This present is much more … personal.’ He shut the door behind them, settled his hands on her hips and pulled her closer, his hazel eyes growing dramatically darker. ‘The kind of personal that happens when you wear this T-shirt.’

‘Why do you think I’m wearing it?’

He gave a low, sexy laugh. ‘Dios, you’re merciless.’

‘Only when it comes to you. Turning you on gives me a huge buzz.’

Stretching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck, luxuriating in their long kiss until she reluctantly pulled away.

At his protest, she shook her head. ‘I have something to show you before we get too carried away.’

Reaching towards her bedside table, she handed him a single piece of heavily embossed paper.

He read through the document before glancing up at her. ‘It’s finalised?’

Happiness burst through her chest. ‘Yes. The mayor’s office sent over confirmation this afternoon. I’m officially patron of the De Cervantes Children’s Charity. My programme to help disadvantaged kids who’re interested in racing is a go!’

His devastating smile held pride even as he sighed. ‘Between that and you being spokeswoman for women motor racers, I see my cunning plan to keep you busy in my bed having babies fast disappearing.’

Her smack on his arm was rewarded with a kiss on her willing mouth.

He sobered. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to go back to racing? You know you’d have my support in that too.’

Sasha blinked eyes prickling with tears and pressed her mouth against his. ‘Thank you, but that part of my life is over. The chance to work with children is another dream come true. As for making more babies with you—it’s my number one priority. Right up there with loving you for ever.’

His eyes darkened. ‘I love you too, mi corazón.’

‘Enough to take advantage of the instruction on my T-shirt?’ she asked saucily.

With a growl, he tumbled her back onto the bed and proceeded to demonstrate just how good he was at taking instruction.
