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My body demanded more than just a squeeze. My hips wanted to rock. My balls tightened with the need to release.

But I still couldn’t move my hand.

Gem shifted higher onto her knees. Running her touch over my knuckles, she removed her hand from mine and cupped my cheek. Turning my head to face her, she kissed me.

Her lips feathered over mine, distracting me, igniting a fierce need to shoot through my veins.

My cock went rock fucking hard beneath my hand.

She moaned into my mouth as I licked the seam of her lips.

She let me kiss her deeper, losing myself to lust and sensation.

My fingers squeezed around me, instinct taking over.

A part of me clawed for more.

The other part howled to let go.

Sweat broke out over my forehead.

Christ, why had I allowed Storymaker to have such control over me? This was my body, goddammit. My cock. My decision.

I kissed Gemma harder, anger pouring through me. Injustice and frustration and every other shitty emotion I’d been repressing for far too long ignited. With strength I didn’t really have, I wrapped my fingers tighter around my length.

And I made another choice.

A choice to defeat this part of me.

A choice to take back what was stolen.

My mind spluttered with present and past. Ghostly voices whispered in my ears.

I pumped once.

“That’s it, darling Kas, get nice and hard for Levin. I could spit on it for you, give you some lube.” Storymaker grinned. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you dirty boy.”


My hand opened on its own accord, still controlled by panic attacks and self-preservation. Ripping my touch away, I sucked in a tattered breath.

“Don’t let him stop, Gemma,” Jareth snapped from across the room. “He can’t stop.”

Instantly, Gem’s hand found mine, guiding it back onto my cock. Before I could argue, she kissed me again. A kiss full of sharpness and cruelty, keeping me locked with her, drowning beneath the passion and salvation she poured down my throat.

My fingers wrapped back around my cock on their own accord, welcoming this piece of myself, familiarizing themselves with the shape of my body, the steel of my need.

My eyes snapped shut as I was pulled in so many directions. Backward with awful memories, sideways with Jareth’s instructions, forward with Gemma’s intoxication. I did my best to focus on the taste of bourbon on our shared tongues, the slight drunken buzz, and Gem’s subtle scent.

Her teeth grazed my bottom lip, sending a shockwave of heat and want.

My hand bypassed my mind, fisting tight and stroking.

“Do it. Get it hard. Guests are waiting, Kassen...”

“Fuck yourself, pretty Kas, then we’ll fuck you right back.”


I don’t belong to you anymore.

I kissed Gemma harder, all while my hand began to move. A hand that punished my body for allowing others to take away the right to touch it. A hand that wasn’t kind nor seductive.

I wanted to punish myself.

I needed to bruise and mark, to be the only one to grant pain.

Pain that freed me.

Pain that fixed me.

Lust exploded to desperation.

My hand stroked harder, faster.

I shut off my mind and just let myself be. To give in to the incredible feeling of actually being sane enough to grant pleasure without shattering beneath an avalanche of history.

“Gem...” I cupped her cheek with my free hand, raising my hips off the couch to fill more of my palm. Our lips collided in a messy, hungry kiss. She burned up beside me, her need threading with mine.

Clothing became a nuisance. I wanted to be naked. I wanted the cock I stroked to be balls deep inside this incredible, wonderful girl.

Ripping my mouth off hers, I pushed her away and fought the swaying room.

Fighting to keep my balance, I stood and wrapped my fingers around her wrist. “Come.” Yanking her off the couch, she tripped into me, her lips swollen and eyes hazy.


“Somewhere we won’t be watched.” I threw a look at Jareth.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. “Stay. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Ignoring him, I kissed Gemma one more time before dragging her out of the room and away from a man who’d pushed me to the brink.

A brink that I was ready to smash and trample.



Our breathing matched each other’s with quick staccatos. His hand was warm and damp around mine while his face shone with sweat and his cock stood proudly against his shorts, leaving a damp spot on the material.

My own need reacted to his.

My belly clenched, and my panties were drenched. I’d become wet the moment I’d helped guide Kas’s hand beneath mine while touching him. I’d grown wetter still with each kiss and every stroke. I was always aware of Jareth watching us, but as hunger climbed between Kas and me, Jareth had faded into the background.

I didn’t care that he was there.

In fact, I was grateful.
