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I did what he asked. I stayed where I was, pressing a kiss to his forearm where his bone had fractured all those weeks ago when he fell off the cliff.

He looked up as my lips caressed his skin.

He tried to smile.

His face had gone a grayish pallor, but his eyes were clear once again. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” I kissed his forearm again.

Pulling away, he ducked and grabbed the scissors from the floor. His forehead furrowed as he stroked the blades, then deliberately placed them into my hand. “Here.”

My fingers closed over them. “Um, thanks?”

He laughed once. “I’m not a hairdresser.”

“Neither am I.”

“But you’ll do a damn better job than I will.” He fanned his long, semi-sliced hair with his fingers. “I’m not cutting it off to fit better into society. I’m not cutting it so people won’t judge me. I’m cutting it because...” He swallowed hard. “I’m cutting it because I don’t need it anymore. I don’t need to hide behind something that was never any protection to begin with. Every time I look in the mirror, I’m reminded of the kid back in the valley. The kid who never got to grow into a normal man. I think...I think it’s time I became that man. I’m ready to become that man.” Tipping my chin up with his finger, he murmured, “I want to become that man for you, Gem.”

My heart fluttered with overwhelming love and pride. “You sure you’re not doing this for me, for the gala, or for the strangers who don’t matter?”

“No.” He shook his head. “I’m doing this for me.”

“And that’s the only answer I need to hear.” I held up the scissors, snapping the blades together. “Come here, sexy caveman, and let me give you a trim.”

He smirked. “There is a catch, woman.”

My eyebrows rose as he walked into me, spread my legs wide on the vanity, and once again grabbed his cock. This time, he didn’t flinch as bad, didn’t tremble as much. Hopefully, each time he touched himself and took ownership of his body, the more his past would fade.

“What are you doing?” I moaned as he angled his cock to my wet entrance and pushed.

I leaned back a little as he mounted and filled me. Slowly, determinedly, slipping inch by inch inside me until we were joined all the way.

Kissing me, he rocked into me. Not an erotic thrust or possessive taking...this was a soft languishing pulse, a barely-there motion that reminded me of waves lapping at the sand. It felt so freaking good. Too good. His body stretching mine, ensuring I was his in every way.

“Kas...” My voice turned breathy as I wriggled for more.

His arm came around me, stopping me from lying back against the mirror and giving up everything to him. “Cut.”

“Excuse me?” My sex haze struggled to understand.

“That’s the catch, Gem.”

I laughed. “You want me to give you a haircut while you fuck me?”

“I want you to slice away my past while I make love to you.” He kissed me, his fingers slinking through my nape to fist a handful of hair. “Do it. Otherwise, I won’t give you a reward.”

I pouted against his mouth. “I guess I won’t be getting that reward then because I’m not going anywhere near you with scissors while you’re inside me.”

“I won’t stop until you do.”

“Then I’ll be a puddle of desire on this vanity forever.”

He chuckled. “Go on...hack away.”

“I’ll hack off an ear if you continue to rock like that.”

A sexy glint appeared in his stare. “You like that?” His hips did a circle, driving his hard length deeper into me.

“Uh-huh.” My eyelids threatened to close as heavy heat and delicious desire filled me. “So, so much.”

His hips stopped, his cock twitching deep in my pussy. He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes, my temper rising a little. “So that’s how it’s going to be, is it?”

He nodded. “You trim, I thrust.”

“You’re determined to go to the gala looking like a wolf mauled you?”

He pressed his cheek to mine, whispering in my ear. “I want to go to that gala knowing that you’re the reason I’m human, I’m healing, I’m happy.”

God, how could I refuse?

It’d been an unattainable goal back in the valley to make this man happy. Having him say I was succeeding? To know I’d be on his arm in a few days, walking through crowds of people who would never know the nightmares he’d overcome....It made everlasting love burst through me.

Without a word, I reached up, grabbed a thick handful of hair, and cut.

I brought the strands to my face as Kas pulsed inside me, his jaw clenched and eyes tight. I kissed the dark mess I’d cut off him, imagining each strand was a nightmare, snipped free, thrown away, never to be wanted again.

“Jesus,” he groaned, thrusting as deep as he could. “Why does that turn me on so much?”
