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Dean released him, and he crumpled to the floor, so Dean didn’t bother finishing the threat. The guy had gotten the message.

As they walked into the deserted living room, Best said, “I guess the party’s over.”

“Was it something we said?” Kline joked.

Dean didn’t join in on their laughter, too busy thinking about Violet. Was she sitting up, worried about Quinton trying something else?

The three of them climbed into the car, and as Dean started it, Best spoke up, dead serious. “I gotta tell you, man, you scared the hell out of me for a minute there. It definitely gave me second thoughts about every time I’ve given you shit.”

“Good, then maybe it will stick with him,” Dean said.

After Dean dropped the guys off, he called Violet, hoping she was still up.

“Hello?” she said.

“You don’t have to worry about Quinton. He’s not going to bother Daisy anymore.”

He could hear Violet draw a big, shaky breath on the other end. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

The quiet on the line lasted so long, he finally asked, “You still there?”

“Yeah, I’m here, but I don’t know what to say. You could have gotten in trouble or hurt or—”

“I did it so you and Daisy wouldn’t have to be afraid anymore. Because I want you to feel safe. Always.”

Dean didn’t say the words that had been rattling around in his head all day, three little words that might change everything between them, for better or worse. Instead, he remained silent. If things went the way he was hoping, they’d have plenty of time to get there.

Dean thought he heard a sniffle and then a very watery, “Thank you.”

“Anytime. Anything else I can do for you?”

“Come back.”

Dean put the truck into gear and stepped on the gas. “On my way.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

VIOLET CLIMBED THE stairs to Daisy’s dorm room for what seemed like the hundredth time on Saturday. Dean had been right about being able to fit everything into the back of his truck and the rest in Daisy’s car. The ride had been pleasant, with Violet and Daisy in one car and Casey and Dean in his truck. They’d left Sacramento at six in the morning, and after stopping for lunch, they’d made it to the university just before three.

Nearly two hours later, Violet collapsed on Daisy’s bed with the last box in her arms, breathing hard. “Just so you know, the next time we move you, your place better be on the ground floor.”

Daisy was lying on the floor in a heap. “There will never be a next time. I’m going to live in these dorms forever.”

Dean came into the room and sat next to Violet on the bed, his hand going to the back of her neck. When he started rubbing gently, she groaned and leaned into his hand.

“Me next,” Daisy said.

“Get your own,” Violet growled.

Casey bounded into the room with Daisy’s desk lamp and a bundle of energy Violet found exhausting. “How much caffeine did you give him?” she asked Dean.

Dean shook his head. “None, I swear. He’s been like this all day.”

“I wonder when your roommate’s going to get here, Dais. Think she’ll be pissed you took the left side?” Casey bounced on the other bed a few times and finally lay down. “Huh, this is pretty comfortable.”

Violet was too caught up in the amazing touch of Dean’s hand as he worked on the tense muscles of her neck and shoulders. She couldn’t blame the entirety of her tension on the drive or the hauling of boxes.
