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“I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.”

“You knew something was going on, just not what. You can’t blame yourself for this.”

Violet held her head over the sink, waiting for the nausea to pass. There was no point in arguing with her sister; no matter which way you sliced it, part of what had happened to Casey was her fault. At some point, she’d put her brother in a vulnerable position.

And he had paid the ultimate price for her mistake.

“Sergeant Sparks seems like a good guy. You were kind of harsh.”

“I slept with him.” Violet wasn’t sure why she’d told her. Maybe because she was so tired of secrets, but her sister’s calming circles on her back stopped.

“For real? You had sex with that guy?”

Violet nodded and turned on the faucet, rinsing her mouth and the sink out.

“Shit, and here I thought you were a sexless prude.”

Violet spun around to face her sister. “Why would you think that?”

“Because you never bring guys home—”

“Of course not. This is our home, and the fewer people we have coming or going, the better,” she said. “Besides, how do I hold the high moral ground and tell you not to screw that douche bag in your bedroom if I’m doing the same thing?”

“You do like your moral high ground.” Daisy smiled only briefly before her expression turned serious. “I wanted you to know that I’ve decided to break up with Quinton.”

Violet paused, surprised for a second before stifling the urge to jump around and do a dance to the common-sense gods. Of course she refrained, but she couldn’t keep the bright tone from her question. “Why?”

“Because I’m going to be in Oregon, and he’ll be here. And I love him, I do, but . . . ” The tremble in Daisy’s voice shook Violet to her core; she wanted to hug her sister but waited patiently for her to finish. “He’s just not who I see when I think about the future, you know? I want someone who’s . . . well, nicer for one thing.”

Violet weighed whether or not to ask, finally giving in. “That slap wasn’t the first time, was it?”

Daisy avoided Violet’s gaze but not before she saw the sheen of tears in her sister’s eyes. “No, but it wasn’t just that. I want someone who thinks I’m beautiful and smart and funny and nice—”

“You are beautiful, smart, funny, and nice! That is exactly what you deserve from the man who professes to love you.”

“But I want someone who thinks those things about me, even when they might not be true.”

Pulling her sister into her arms, Violet squeezed her tight. “Dais, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about you. All that matters is how you feel about the person you are. And just in case you were wondering, your big sister thinks you’re amazing.”

“Thanks.” Daisy laughed as she pulled away, wiping at her eyes. “Look what you did, you made me mess up my makeup.”

“Sorry, I was trying to be supportive.” Tucking a chestnut strand behind her sister’s ear, Violet asked, “When are you going to do it?

“I called him this morning, but he didn’t pick up. Figured I’d meet him sometime this week, do it face to face.”

“Do it in a public place, please.” Violet didn’t trust Quinton. He was too volatile.

“Geez, Vi . . . ”

“Humor me,” Violet said.

“Fine, I’ll make sure and tell him when we’re surrounded by plenty of witnesses.”

“Thank you.”

Suddenly, Daisy hugged Violet back, hard. “You’re a good sister.”

In the last ten years, Daisy had never said those words to her. It was always understood that she loved Violet, but damn, it sounded good to hear it aloud.

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