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“Yes, Sergeant Sparks.” Best stepped into the room behind Dean.

“Take Casey out into the yard and have him run a mile. Then I want every pile of poop in that yard scooped up.”

“You heard him, kid. March,” Best said.

“Is that really necessary?” Violet asked.

“Your brother is in my facility, and he needs to learn that he is lucky to be here,” Dean said. “While here, he will show every instructor, kitchen worker, guest, or janitor respect. No exceptions.”

Casey pushed past Best without saying good-bye to Violet.

This had definitely not been one of the scenarios she’d played out in her mind.

“Are you all right?” Dean asked gruffly.

Directing her anger at the only person left, she snapped, “What, were you listening at the door?”

“My office is right across the hall, and I heard shouting. I know he’s going through a lot, but he has no right to speak to you that way, and you shouldn’t let him get away with it,” he said.

Why did people think that they could dispense unsolicited advice and she would just accept it graciously? What made him think that he knew what was best for them more than her?

“Oh, so now you’re giving me advice on my brother’s manners? That must be so awesome for you, getting to stand there and be self-righteous and all-knowing when you actually have no fucking clue what we’ve been through. You don’t know anything about my brother, my sister, or me, for that matter, so why don’t you mind your own business?”

Violet’s whole body trembled with adrenaline, frustration and rage radiating across her skin. Going after Dean made her feel powerful, free.

“You were the one advertising your business loud enough for everyone to hear, so don’t get mad at me just because you don’t give a shit enough to demand respect.”

All of her self-loathing and doubt came flooding back, extinguishing the brief victory. She wanted to rail at him that her family respected her and that once again, he was talking out of his ass!

But unfortunately, whenever she got flustered, she had trouble being particularly clever or articulate.

“Fuck you.”

“That’s really nice. I try to help you, and you tell me to go fuck myself.”

Fine, so it hadn’t been classy, but it had given her a beat to think. “I never asked for your help. That’s what you just don’t seem to get. I don’t need it, and yet, here you are, giving me all the help I never wanted.” Covering the half-eaten cake with plastic wrap again, she left it on the table and grabbed her purse. “You can give that to my brother or throw it away, I don’t care.”

She started to walk past him, but he slammed the door before she could walk through it. Violet spun around to face him just as he advanced, pressing her back into the door.

“Why are you like this?” he asked.

“Like . . . Like what?” He was so broad, so tall, that as he leaned over her she actually felt short.

“Why are you so fucking determined to make me stop caring?”

Violet blinked up at him, a lump of regret building in her throat. “Because I don’t have anything left for you.”

Dean’s hands came up to frame her face, smoldering heat blazing from his gaze. “Oh, sweetheart, you are so very wrong.”

Violet hardly had time to gasp before his mouth seared hers, his tongue dragging across her lips and then pushing inside. The press of his body against hers liquefied her entrails, her muscles, her bones. Every part of her was affected by the taste and scent of him as he sweetly punished her with his kiss.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she pushed back, meeting the thrusts of his tongue with unleashed passion. She had never understood the romance novels that had a hero and heroine fighting one minute and making out the next, but right now, she totally got it. The blood pumping through her veins, the frustration leaking out of her as they touched and stroked and melded together.

Someone turned the knob and pushed on the door, but with both of them leaning against it, it wouldn’t open. Dean pulled away first, and she gasped for air, staring up at him as they both tried to catch their breath.

“Hey, is everything okay in there?” someone asked from the other side.

“Yeah, it’s fine. We’ll be out in a minute,” Dean called.
