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“After attending that lengthy council meeting last night, I am uncertain I wish to be weapons master.” Thalaena stopped eating, cocking her head at Morvaen. “Has your jaw always popped like that when you eat?”

“It has. Though I’ve been told it’s getting louder. Graely complains when we eat together.” He chomped on a piece of bread, producing a series of rhythmic cracks as his jaw muscles flexed, and grinning at Thalaena’s wide eyes. “Perhaps that’s why Graely voted in favor of you going on the expedition rather than me—he doesn’t want my noisy jaw disturbing his meals.”

“What expedition?” asked Alleraen.

Like distorted mirror images, Thalaena and Morvaen twisted to peer over their shoulders.

“None can hear us in this corner,” Alleraen assured them, eager to hear about a trip that warranted such secrecy. He wanted to go, no matter the purpose or the destination. After years of confinement in his brother’s dungeon caves, he was itching to travel throughout Tenavae, and even beyond. But first, he needed to establish a protective citizenship, for his blue eyes made him a target outside his birth clan.

Morvaen lowered his voice to a hoarse whisper, despite their seclusion. “Alora and Kaevin and a select group will travel to Serenshire, with Thalaena in charge of their protection.”

“Serenshire? The City of Peace? Is that place not a fable?” Alleraen asked.

“We believe Serenshire is real,” said Morvaen. “Raelene has spoken to one who knows the way.

“But, even should you find Serenshire, what can you learn there?”

“We hope to find many answers.” Morvaen shoveled a huge bit of stew into his mouth and chewed, his jaw pr

otesting with pops so loud that Alleraen cringed. Morvaen swallowed before he spoke again, gesturing with his spoon. “The last known soulmate couple may still be alive, residing in Serenshire. And surely some of those gifted in wisdom will know how these portals are being created. Furthermore, Graely anticipates he may convince Serenshire’s leader to join us in the battle against Vindrake.”

Thalaena leaned in, eyes bright with excitement. “I’ve never traveled more than a seven-day from Laegenshire, so I, for one, am glad of Morvaen’s noisy jaw.”

Alleraen wondered if other factors might have been more important in Graely’s choice. Perhaps Graely was attracted to Thalaena. After all, the Stone Clan leader had been a widow for a long time, and he was still young enough to take a mate. It struck Alleraen as unfair for Graely to seek a second wife, when Alleraen had never married, through no fault of his own.

Not that I’m interested in Thalaena beyond her ability to wield a weapon.

“I imagine there will be a number of others who will demand to go along on this trip,” Alleraen mused.

“Yes, Jireo and Kaevin will not want to be separated,” Morvaen agreed. “And Graely expects Charles will insist on accompanying Alora, which means Markaeus would also go.”

“And it will be much easier to invite Arista from the beginning, as she will refuse to be excluded.” Alleraen smiled as he thought of Arista. He’d grown fond of the child, thinking she was much like his own daughter would be had he married and produced offspring.

Thalaena frowned. “If Arista truly wishes to be a warrior, she must learn discipline.”

“You’ll see, Thalaena, when you get to know the girl for yourself.” Morvaen knocked the bread crumbs from his shaggy beard. “Arista is much like a stallion—you will gain more if you utilize her courage and enthusiasm without breaking her spirit. She has risked her life for Stone Clan more than once in her seventeen years.”

Thalaena’s eyebrows arched, and Alleraen wondered if she was impressed or dubious. But the lull in the conversation provided an opportunity to promote himself.

“Thalaena,” he ventured. “You will need some other warriors on the expedition, will you not? Surely you do not intend to be the only protector.”

Morvaen and Thalaena exchanged a knowing look, and Alleraen wondered if he’d missed something.

“I plan to include a number of warriors in my company,” said Thalaena. “Morvaen recommended you for the expedition, but I wished to see for myself whether you were worthy. I thought a sparring match would provide suitable evidence.”

The match was a test... and I lost.

“How did I fare in your judgment?”

She frowned, pursing her lips. He held his breath for an eternity while she pondered his question. Just as his vision dimmed from lack of air, she answered, quirking her lips.

“You need some additional training, but your sword skills are more than adequate.”

More than adequate. A humbling assessment.

But Alleraen couldn’t stop the silly grin that sprang to his face.

