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“Then tell me what I want to know, dick-breath.” Hopping up, Freddie sits himself on the counter facing the room.

“Why do you care?” Casper sighs as he takes a seat at the table.

“Because you don’t want me to know.”

“What does he want to know?” Leo looks between them as he takes his seat again.

They have a whole fucking conversation I can’t keep up with let alone make heads or tails of because my whole being is pulsing with fury. Regrets. Fucking memories that are the soundtrack to my own personal hell.

I watch them as they go back and forth, their mouths morphing from scowls to smirks to laughs, their eyes narrowing and widening. But their voices are all muffled, and I can’t hear them over the screams.

“Shut the fuck up!”

All eyes turn to me, and I don’t know what’s worse—watching them, or them watching me. I’m a fucking mess of frayed ends and tight knots. Pounding in my aching veins, my blood feels razor-sharp.

“Sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up.”

Sauntering over to the hallway, Freddie disappears out of sight. When he returns, he has his tan leather satchel in his hand. The long sleeves of his dark Henley are pushed up past his elbows, and he has that look on his face that’s somewhere between unhinged and eerily calm.

“I have a present for you.” Sitting in one of the chairs opposite Casper, he takes his MacBook from his bag and opens it up. “Have you told him about our little adventure?”

“Not yet,” Leo replies deadpan.

“What’re you waiting for?”

“What adventure?” Casper and I both ask at the same time. He looks between Leo and Freddie. “What the fuck have you two done?”

“Can I just say that this time, it wasn’t my stupid idea.”

“Yeah, because breaking into a high-security, white-collar prison and kidnapping one of the inmates is a fucking brilliant plan!” Leo snaps in his direction.

“Jesus fuck! I told you not to do anything crazy.” Casper stands, heading to the freezer. “What part of under the radar don’t you understand?”

“This is under the radar. I’m taking cash we can’t be seen to be handling and using it to its full potential in a way that it can’t be traced back to us.”

“I told you, we need to look into all this shit before we take care of the little rat. Stay under the fucking radar.” He rummages through the freezer for a while and then looks back at Leo

. “Where’s the vodka?”


“It would’ve been under the radar,” Freddie grumbles. “I could’ve gotten us in and out no problem. The cunt would’ve looked like he went poof into thin air. It took two days to hack into their security system, and then fucking numbers boy over there”—he nods at Leo—“decides to slip the fucking guard a wad like some fucking mobster.”

“You did what?” Slamming the freezer shut, Casper strides over to Leo.

My mind is spinning with all the bits and bobs of information that add up to fuck all. My mouth is getting drier, and I’m starting to smell the alcohol on me.

“They use biometrics at this place. Even if he cut the cameras and got us in, we couldn’t get Jack out.”


Ramming in my chest, my heart punches the air out of my lungs.

“Biometrics mean we need someone in the system to open and close doors, and they need to be alive. Blood circulating. Fingers and eyes attached. The twat wanted to kidnap a guard, use the bastard, and then dispose of him.”

“It was a solid plan. I stand by it.”

“We can’t go around killing innocent people!” Leo spits at him.
