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“Do you want me to?”

“Yes, I do,” I whisper as he draws closer.

Taking the ring from me, he holds on to my hand. Using his free hand, he threads the eternity ring onto his pinkie before he slips off my engagement ring, slotting it between his lips as he takes the eternity ring and threads it onto my finger, sitting it over my wedding band. They’re noticeably different, but they look stunning beside each other. The wedding band is marginally thinner with smaller diamonds. It’s plainer in design, but together they’re luminous.

Slipping the engagement ring back on, he smiles, faint lines bracketing either side of his mouth. They’re his happy lines. He only gets them when he really smiles, and it makes me beyond joyful to see them.

Kissing my hand, he threads his fingers through mine before picking me off the counter. I wrap my arms around his neck, and as he puts me down, I whisper, “I still want you to devour me.”

There’s no laughter on his part; in fact, his narrowed stare bores into mine with far more intensity than any person should ever have thrust on them. My insides scorch and with a shudder my skin prickles with awareness and pull. A pull I can feel tug deep between us.

“Move before you lose the ability to walk. Wouldn’t want to give the rags more juice to soak up.”

There’s something about the way he says that, that makes every sordid part of me clench. And as he tugs me along, I almost trip over myself with how thin my heels are. The fishtail of my dress counts every step down to the hall. Everyone is there, waiting for us, with the exception of Francis and Penny.

They’re all holding champagne flutes, and the bubbles are still popping, which indicates they’re fresh.

“You’re just in time for the toast!” Freddie sings. I’m not quite sure if he’s happy or if he’s being a brat. With him it’s hard to tell, especially lately with all the shit with Lucy being an open subject.

“What’re we toasting?” Christopher takes the glasses Casper hands him. “Where’s Fleur?”

As he hands me one, Casper says, “Fleur’s still sick.”

“She needs to go back to the doctor.” He’s still pissed that Casper didn’t say anything about him and Fleur, but from what he has told me and what I’ve seen in the last week since it came to light, they’re more fuck buddies than anything else.

Although I can’t see her doing much fucking right now, which means they’re more friends than anything else.

I’m okay with that. Not that I wasn’t okay with him seeing her. It was a bit surprising that’s all. Casper’s not the kind to shit where he eats.

“She has.” The retort is short, even for Casper. I can tell that it annoys Christopher too.

“Okay, so…” Freddie sings above everyone. “Congratulations to you two.” He raises his glass at Leo and Cassie.

It’s only then I notice the ring on her finger. It’s beautiful and unique with its oval diamond and three smaller marquise-cut stones on either side like a buttercup cut down the middle or two crowns butting the centrepiece.

It’s very fitting, and I bet he took great pride and care in designing it.

“When you said tonight, I assumed you meant later. During the event or after…” Christopher says, pulling Cassie in for a hug. “Congratulations, Princess.”

“I said tonight. It’s tonight.” Leo pulls her gently back to him. “Besides, you know I don’t do any of that public shit.”

“Where’s Dad?” Christopher asks Cassie, and whilst they’re talking, I take advantage to give Leo my own congratulations.

When I pause in front of him, he looks at me expectantly. Before he can say anything that will make me want to throttle him, I hug him tight.

“Congratulations,” I whisper, squeezing him tighter. “Kit would’ve been so happy for you. He would’ve loved Cassie, and what you have with her.”

His audible swallow is the only sign that he’s an emotional wreck. It hurts that I can feel the space he’s put between us, and I don’t have it in me to keep it for the sake of pride.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about everything,” I tell him low enough that only he can hear. Casper would have a fucking field day with my apology.

Pulling back, Leo pins me with his gaze. “I want you to be sorry you went behind my back. That you betrayed my trust. I want you to be sorry for what you did, not what you didn’t say.”

I can’t say it. I’m not sorry.


“Actions speak louder than words, Arabella. So be sorry for what you did. Don’t say you’re sorry for what you didn’t say.”
