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“Careful.” Warning coats every syllable as his hands close around my thighs, tracing slowly up to the top of my stockings. “It’s been so long…I won’t stop…”

His breath hitches as I pepper his chest with kisses, my hands working his belt as quickly as I can.

Brushing my hair over one side of my chest, he lowers his mouth to my shoulder, licking and sucking his way to my neck as he lowers one of my dress straps. Pushing it off my shoulder, he nips his way to my jaw.


“Shhh…” Covering his mouth with one of my hands, I unbutton his trousers with the other.

Christopher’s breaths are so fucking hard that his solid stomach grinds on my knuckles. I drag his underwear down to his thighs, and he doesn’t wait for anything as he cups my arse with one hand and pulls my thong to the side with the other. He doesn’t check whether I’m ready or not.

The second his cock presses to my entrance, he drives inside me with one brutal thrust, pushing my breath out me as he fills me to the hilt.

Goose bumps chill my skin as I hold on to him, fisting his shirt with my head buried in his chest. I’m lost to the sound of his guttural groans and curses as he fucks me so hard that tears pour from my eyes.

Tightening my legs around his hips, I moan at the feel of him inside me, pain sparking at my core as he presses deeper and harder. He bottoms out inside of me in blunt strokes that make it impossible to think of anything other than the present.

Christopher doesn’t relent. Doesn’t slow. He keeps going. Keeps fucking me until I’m shaking, and I am so full that I don’t have room for my own breaths. Until I’m so full I can’t contain myself anymore.

I’m coming apart in his hands, and for the first time in so long, I feel whole.

Our heavy breaths fill the room as we both remain frozen. I don’t know what to say or what to do. All I want is to stay like this forever. I wish we could.

His hands fall to either side of me as he takes a step back. Our gazes catch and the fire in his eyes is so bright, I have no idea how I can hold his stare.

Pulling his boxers and trousers up, he takes another step back before he picks my coat up from the floor and places it beside me on the counter.

He doesn’t say a word as he flips on the water and wets one of the small handcloths. Turning one of my hands in his, he wipes the partially dried blood. His hands are gentle, but the scowl on his face is feral.

The black glint of his wedding ring is mesmerising. I can’t take my eyes off it as the red light pings off it in dark sparkles. It cuts deeper than I ever thought it could. Seeing his ring makes the absence of mine weightier.

I want them back. More than that, I want my husband back. I want our life back. I want to rewind time and do things differently.

Protect him.

Protect our baby.

Protect us.

Once he’s done with one hand, he moves to the other, biting his lip and cheek like he’s holding in everything he wants to say.

Dropping the bloodied cloth into the sink, he steps back between my legs. His eyes trace my face intently before brushing my hair back over my shoulders.

“Let’s get out of here,” he murmurs into my gaping mouth.

I knew it was coming. There was no way he would think that this was it.

Shaking my head, I slip off the counter, my body flush to his.

“This changes nothing.” I can’t bring myself to look him in the eye. “I’m not coming back.”

I don’t know what I expected, but as he steps around me to the sink, the laugh that rumbles from his lips chills me. It’s like a slap to the face.

I should’ve known better. I should never have allowed this to happen.

Turning to face him, I watch him do up his belt and fix the collar of his shirt. Pulling his tie off, he rolls it up around one of his hands before slipping it into his pocket.

Without looking at me, he says, “Get your shit.”
