Page 60 of Nanny

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Chapter 15


Something snapped in place between Hunter and me. It’s been five days since he took me to that perverted party and fucked me in front of another man, giving me something I never knew I needed. A flashback of that night scrolled on the back of my eyelids, and I had to take a deep breath in hopes of cooling my body down. I vividly remember Hunter’s friend’s eyes on me while I was being possessed, absolutely dominated by Hunter’s strong body. I’d never felt anything better in my entire life. Henry was not the center of attention, I was, and there was no doubt who was owning me, even if another man was right there with us. After that night, we were in sync. I spent every night in Hunter’s bed and he introduced me to pleasure mechanisms I never imagined I’d try—spanking paddles, whips, plugs, ropes—things that never failed to send me over the edge. Well, I guessHunterwas the one who never failed to send me over the edge.

Every free minute we had, Hunter insisted I spend it close to him. He never interfered with my time with Sofi, but the moment the baby was down he would lure me into his side of the house and wouldn’t let me walk away from him till morning. We settled into a routine and even if it didn’t seem like anything changed between us, I could feel it. We were closer, intimate.

I tried to use this newfound connection to lead Hunter into getting closer to his niece, but I didn’t have a lot of success. Every morning when I woke up and left his bed, I would go straight to Sofi’s room and check on her and every time I turned to the door he was there, watching me with a cup of coffee in his hand, but he would never let himself get too close. Actually, Hunter would never get through the door and get in the room, he was fine watching Sofi and I from the hallway, but at least he wasn’t turning his head away anymore. At least now he was looking at his own niece.

I didn’t know what or who broke Hunter so bad that he would reject a child as sweet as Sofi—his own blood—but I wanted to fix him. Only if I’d known how to soothe his damaged soul.

Today he left early, so he didn’t follow me to wake Sofi up, but I found a cup of coffee with milk and one sugar—just the way I liked it—on the kitchen counter. Hunter knew how I liked to take my coffee. It was such a small thing, but still, it made my entire body tingle.

I drank my coffee and went on with my day, taking Sofi to the pool for a swim so she could have some exercise and enjoy the sun. She loved playing in the water so much, I was rewarded with a screaming concert when I took her away so I could feed her. We had a lazy girls’ day in, playing around the house and not doing much, so my mind slipped away to Hunter a few times. I missed him when he wasn’t around and I knew for a fact it would do Sofi good to see more of her uncle. She deserved a chance to know Hunter and he did too. For the rest of the day, I couldn’t find peace thinking about how good it would be for Hunter to get more involved and give his relationship with the baby a chance. It was eating at my mind.

“Aaa!” Sofi grabbed my attention when she crawled to me and started pinching my legs. She was a wanderer and soon she’d start walking. I made a mental note to order gates for the stairs ASAP.

“I’m sorry, baby girl, I was distracted. Your uncle is a pain in my butt. Yes, he is.” She approved with a happy squeak and a smile. Well, at least I knew I had Sofi in my corner. “You know what we need, Sofi-pie? We need muffins.”


The sun was down and the stupid lighting system that Hunter had in his house was too powerful for me to enjoy the view while cooking, but it was still nice to get to use the state-of-the-art kitchen, and bake something sweet for Sofi and me. The problem was that when you try to do tasks while watching a baby, everything takes twice the time, so when Hunter came home, Sofi and I were still downstairs and my muffins weren’t done.

He crossed the living room, but I didn’t turn until he cleared his throat behind me.

“Amelia.” He was looking at me with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Hello, Hunter.” It was so stupid to feel so intimidated by him during the day and so eager to ride his dick all night. Except at night, he was my Hunter and now he was my boss in a fancy suit. “Look, I’m sorry we’re still here. I know you want to have the space to yourself when you come home. I was supposed to be done, but someone,”—I nodded to Sofi who was nibbling on some fresh raspberries in her feeding chair.—“kept interrupting me to play with spoons.”


“And now the damn banana nut muffins won’t bake faster. We’ll be out of your hair in five minutes, I promise.”

“Didn’t you hear me, Amelia? I said it’s ok. You can stay.” Oh. He had a change of heart. “It smells very good in here.”

“Well, I can’t bake cakes or anything, but I make pretty killer muffins. You need to have one right from the oven with a glass of milk. You’ll love it.”

“I’m sure I will.” His faint smile made me swoon. He was so handsome, so sweet when he wanted to be.

Sofi, the troublemaker she was, decided it was time to steal the spotlight, so she threw a handful of raspberries at Hunter’s crisp, white shirt, staining it. I snorted, but it was his laugh that filled the room and took me by surprise.

“Too formal?” He asked Sofi, and she made some unintelligible sounds.

My heart stopped beating when Hunter raised his hand gently, almost touching her cheek, but he stopped and retrieved it.

“You can touch her, you know? She won’t bite. Promise.”

“I…I’m not good with kids, Amelia. It’s better if I keep my distance.”

In what world was it better for Sofi to take away a man that could love her?

“You are her uncle. All you have to do is try. That’s enough.”

“I’m not good at taking care of others,” he shot back, his words harsh.

“You take care of me. Every time we’re together, Hunter, you take such good care of me.” I trusted him with my body and my mind completely. Hell, I could trust him with my heart.

“That is different. With you, I’m the one in control. I know what to do and how to do it. That’s something else.”
