Page 83 of Nanny

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Before I knew what I was doing, I was backing my Honda up and gunning for the front gate, on my way to God knows where. Sofi was wide awake but she was calm in her car seat, playing with a toy. Of course she was calm, she felt safe. She was with me. I was her nanny and I loved her. Sofi knew that. Shedeservedthat! I wasn’t going to let Hunter take it away.

I might have driven for a full hour before the adrenaline went down and the catastrophic implications of my actions hit me like a wrecking ball. I took Sofi away from her home. I. Took. Her. Away. When I looked down at my phone, I saw that a message from Hunter had come in, telling me he was on his way home and we should talk. That petrified me even more. Not knowing what to do I called Poppy’s number and she answered after two rings.

“You miss me already?”

“I stole a baby.”

My words were met with a long moment of silence.


“I stole a baby, Poppy. I got home and there was a sitter and then the lady from the adoption agency came by to ask for Sofi’s documents, saying Hunter was giving her up and I panicked. I panicked, Poppy and I stole a baby.”

“Jesus Ch…What? He’s giving up his niece? For real?”

“For real.” Tears started rolling down my face. “I thought I could change his mind. I thought I could love him through trauma and heartache and he’d come to his senses, but Hunter betrayed me. He knows, Poppy. I told him about my adoption, I begged him to keep Sofi and he didn’t care.”

“Wow.” Yeah, that pretty much summed it up. “You stole Sofi?”

“I did. She’s with me in the car now and Hunter texted ten minutes ago saying he’s on his way home. Poppy, he’s going to find you and ask for me, don’t tell him a word, please.”

“Sure, but Amy, you can’t just…you could end up in jail.”

“Tell me what to do.”

“Go back. Talk to him again.”

“Poppy, I can’t. What if he says no? I can’t stay there and watch someone come in and take Sofi. It would kill me.”

“Look, I know you’re scared for her because of everything that happened to you. I know you don’t want your heart to get broken, but you have to take her back.”

“My heart is already broken. I love him and he ruined me.”

“What are you going to do, Amy? Tell me how I can help.”

“I don’t know. I need some time to think and figure out a way I can convince Hunter to let me take Sofi instead of giving her up for adoption.”

“Amy! That is a lot.”

“I need…” I needed Hunter and I needed Sofi. “I’ll think about what to do.”

“Where are you?”

I knew Poppy wasn’t going to go tell Hunter anything, but I didn’t want to risk it.

“I’m just driving around.”

“It’s nine o’clock, Amy. It’s dark and you’re wandering around with a stolen baby. This is crazy. Come here, come home!”

“I can’t. That’s the first place Hunter will look.” I sighed, defeated by the situation. “Poppy, I have to go. Sofi is getting restless and I think she’s hungry.”

“Call me so I know you’re safe and weren’t arrested for kidnapping an infant.”

“Will do.”

I ended the call and turned the phone off, knowing damn well that soon calls from Hunter would start to come in. He would try to get to me, but I wasn’t ready.

Why was this happening to me? After all the times I’d been dented and bruised, I thought that I finally found my happy ending. It was too good to be true. It always was. I still had a chance. If I could just put some order to my thoughts to come up with an argument strong enough that would convince Hunter to let me adopt Sofi, I could save whatever was left of my heart. I’d lose him, but still get the baby that I loved like crazy.
