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“That’s hot.”

“I know.” Vera chuckles and we dig into our food when it arrives.

“Are you seeing Brando tonight?”

She sips her margarita. “Yep.”

“Has he said anything about me and Luke?”

She chuckles. “He’s surprised Luke was texting you all week because he was crazy busy. They were all excited about it. It’s been a while since Luke’s been this interested in someone. I think you can move past the insecure stage. Luke wants you bad, Liv.”

I smile, but it slips. “I don’t know Vera. It all seems too good to be true. He’s a gorgeous billionaire bachelor. I’m sure women throw themselves at him all the time.”

Her lips thin. “You Googled him, didn’t you?”

I wince and nod. “Can you blame me?”

She sighs. “No. But that stuff is all fake. And you can’t ask him about it because then he’ll know you were looking into him. It’s a lose-lose.”

I sigh. “But what if it all blows up in my face?”

“Then it blows up in your face. You can’t control it. But what was your first thought when I told you he wants you?”

“That I want him too.” My stomach clenches. Oh God, it’s true. I sigh, then look my best friend in the eye. “I can be myself around him, and he seems to like it. He’s so sweet and not arrogant at all. I love being around him.”

She smiles and sips her drink. “Well, there you go. What have you got to lose?”

“My dignity.”

“Meh. Overrated.”

I snort-laugh and shove another chip in my mouth. She’s so good at calming my fears, and soon we’re both annoying other customers as we move to our second margarita and cackle at a memory of us in high school.

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