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The lawn mower is still going out front when I emerge from the bathroom. John is an early riser and does yardwork when he’s stressed. His stress is about me, so of course I feel guilty. I grab eggs, bacon, and spinach to make his favorite omelet. I glance out the kitchen window that faces the front yard and do a double take. The house is at the end of a cul-de-sac and there are women standing outside four of the houses planting or watering flowers. Except they’re all staring at my shirtless brother as he pushes the mower back forth. I chuckle and shake my head. My brother hasn’t dated for a while. Not since he got his heart broken. My anger rises when I think of Grace. He disagrees with me, but she took advantage of my brother’s big heart. He’s moved on, but I’ll never forgive her for hurting him.

The mower shuts off and I look out to see John hunched over, cursing and fiddling with the machine. I fill up a canteen for him and toss in some ice. He gets cranky when he’s overheated.

He looks up when I hand him the water and sighs as he stands, mumbling his thanks, before taking a few sips. “What seems to be the problem, officer?” I ask, never passing up the opportunity for a good cop joke.

He rolls his eyes and hands me the canteen. “Primer keeps sticking.”

I nod and purse my lips. “Probably because it’s older than Moses.” I remember pushing that thing around the yard as a kid to earn my allowance.

“Probably. How are you doing?”

I shrug. “It’s just a change to my routine, one I’m willing to make.”

He puts his hands on his hips and glances down the street as a moving truck approaches. The women of the neighborhood return to their tasks, averting their gazes, and I laugh. “Put your shirt on before the womenfolk spontaneously combust.”

John smirks, but his smile drops as he looks over my head. I turn around to find the moving truck parked next door. The woman driving it walks towards the front door. She’s wearing cut-off shorts and a tank top. Her dark brown hair sways down her back in loose waves in a high ponytail. I turn to John to find him entranced. I wave my hand in front of his face, but he ignores me. It’s been years since I’ve seen him react to a woman like this.

“New renter, huh?” I ask.

He keeps staring at her as she opens the door and heads to the truck. The sliding door of the truck clatters to the roof. She grabs a box and heads inside the house.

“Let’s go say hi.” I walk towards her and John snaps out of it.

“No, let’s not bother her.” He chases after me.

“Or we could be neighborly and help her?” I say, giving him a flat look. He sighs and wipes the sweat off his forehead with his forearm.

As we reach the porch, she opens the screen door and stops with wide eyes when she sees us. Her eyes land on John and widen. They dip to his torso before returning to his face. I hide my cheshire grin and throw up a friendly wave.

“Hi, sorry to bug you. We just wanted to introduce ourselves. I’m Liv. This is my brother, John. He lives next door.”

She lets the screen door close with a thud behind her as she steps out onto the porch. She extends her hand to me. “I’m Sylvie.”

I shake her hand, then she turns to John. He swallows and smiles as they shake hands. “Nice to meet you,” he mutters.

“Would you like some help?” I ask.

She looks between us. “Oh, that’s ok. I wouldn’t want to take you away from your chores.” She motions towards the abandoned lawnmower.

“I don’t mind,” John says.

She smiles. “That would be an enormous help. I’m sweating my nuts off already.” She giggles and moves around John towards the truck.

He chuckles and follows her as I trail behind. I watch from the driveway as she uses the handle to pull herself up into the truck. She moves behind a dresser and pushes it towards the open door. John jumps into the truck, graceful like a fucking panther despite his size. The truck dips and creaks with his added weight.

“I got it.” He puts his hands on either side of the tall dresser.

“Oh, be careful. It still has stuff in it. Here, let me take out the drawers.” He picks it up like it weighs nothing. She blinks at him and he gives her an amused grin then sets it on the edge of the truck, hops down and grabs it again and heads toward the house.

She smiles to herself and grabs a box. I climb up and grab one and follow her. “Where do you want this?” John calls as we walk inside. This must be her second trip. There’s already a couch and a kitchen table set up.

“Bedroom in the back, please.” He nods and heads down the hall. She sets her box down in the kitchen, then heads in the same direction. I move closer so I can eavesdrop.

“Thank you so much for this. It would have sucked hauling that thing in here by myself.”
