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“Sure.” I could use the company and a friendly face. “Thanks.”

Ariella hurried to the receptionist and explained how the three of us were friends and asked if there was anything that could be done to put us all together for our appointments.

* * *

Every inch of my body ached.

The car accident had been to blame, and while it was entirely my fault, it didn’t make everything hurt any less.

A blissful ninety minutes of a hottie giving me a full body massage had been quite a treat.

As angry as I was at Lincoln, the heat had dissipated, and I felt much more relaxed.

We all got facials after our full body and massage and then a manicure and pedicure.

While the morning had started off as a bust, at least the afternoon was definitely getting better. We finished at the spa, and Hazel called Mason to give us a lift back to Ariella’s place.

Hazel shoved her phone into her pocket. “He’ll be a little while. He’s with Jaxson grabbing lunch. They suggested we grab a bite to eat too.”

“Is there any place we can eat around here?” I asked. I wasn’t familiar with the town.

“Follow us. We know this town inside and out,” Ariella said.

They led me to a small café next door. The place seemed crowded for the middle of the week. We waited a few minutes to be seated and were escorted to a table.

Conversations around us clashed together, the noise in the restaurant rising with each other’s voices. While it was difficult to hear Ariella and Hazel, it wasn’t particularly hard to hear the gentleman one table over, situated behind me.

It seemed the restaurant had added an extra table and chairs to accommodate us, but leaving us very little room of our own.

“I’ll offer you double your asking price,” the gentleman said. He had an Italian accent, and I tried not to glance over my back to him. I felt like I was in his lap.

“And why would you do that, Enzo?” another male voice asked.

Enzo? I recognized that name.


It couldn’t be. I held my breath and refused to turn around to see if it was true.

Enzo Ricci.

The girls read over their menus. I pretended to be interested in mine as I listened to the conversation going on behind me. It was impossible not to hear whatever deal was being made between them.

Could Ariella and Hazel hear it too?

They didn’t seem interested. Maybe they were too far away. The restaurant was loud and rather chaotic.

“I prefer to buy out my competition as opposed to other methods,” Enzo said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. The voice no longer just familiar, but I was certain that it was Enzo Ricci, my husband.
