Page 38 of Obsession

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“Hold, on, boy.” Kaylie’s hands tightened over the reins. “Steady.”

The night closed in around her, and she felt the silence of the woods, the breath of the wind against her fingers and bare neck, the cold damp touch of the rain. She considered turning back a couple of times, but pressed on. Being with Zane was just too dangerous. Some women were cursed to love the wrong men. She just happened to be one of them.

Eventually, the road grew less steep. Kaylie’s heart soared. She closed her eyes and thought she heard the hum of traffic on a faraway interstate. Or was it the rattle of a train on distant tracks? No matter. It meant she was approaching some sort of civilization.

Suddenly His Majesty tossed back his head and snorted violently. Stopping short, he rolled wide, white-rimmed eyes backward. His nostrils distended, and his wet coat quivered under her hands.

“Hey, whoa—” The hairs on the back of Kaylie’s neck rose as her mount minced and sidestepped. “What is it?” she whispered, hoping she didn’t convey her fear to the horse.

She shone her flashlight ahead, and its tiny beam landed on Zane, half lying on the hood of his Jeep, soaked to the skin, his back propped by the windshield, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression positively murderous.

“Oh, God.” Kaylie’s heart plummeted.

Lightning flashed over the hills, and His Majesty reared, but at the sound of Zane’s voice, the horse quieted, nickering softly.

“Well, well, Ms. Melville,” Zane drawled in a tone so low and angry it rivaled the distant thunder, “I was wondering when you’d finally show up.”

Chapter Eight

“But how—” Kaylie sputtered, shivering as she stared past Zane to the road beyond. Maybe she could make a run for it—or maybe His Majesty could find a path through the woods, a path the Jeep couldn’t follow….

“Don’t do anything crazy,” Zane warned, shoving himself upright and hopping to the wet ground. “And the way I found you is simple. Most of the side roads around here are old logging trails—roads that crisscross over the mountain but eventually end up here. I knew if I waited long enough, you’d turn up.”

“You heard me leave?” she asked, swiping at a drip of rain on the tip of her nose.

“Take my advice—don’t apply for a job with the CIA.”

“You tricked me!”

“No, you tricked me.” He strode over and reached for the bridle, but she pulled hard on the rein

s and His Majesty’s broad head swung away from Zane. Kicking sharply into the stallion’s sides, Kaylie tried to spur past Zane, but he was too quick.

With an oath, Zane sprang like a puma and grabbed hold of the reins, ripping the wet leather straps from Kaylie’s chilled fingers. “That was a stupid thing to do! Even worse than trying to hot-wire the Jeep!”

A ragged streak of lightning scarred the sky.

The horse reared, and Kaylie, thrown off balance, grabbed wildly at the saddle horn and His Majesty’s wet mane.

“Whoa—slow down.” Zane soothed the stallion, murmuring softly until the anxious beast slowly relaxed. “That’s it, boy.” Zane patted the chestnut’s shoulder.

Kaylie, her hair tossed around her face, accused, “You pretended to be asleep! You heard me leave and you followed me!”

“Of course I heard you leave. Do you think I’d trust you after I caught you tampering with my ignition?”

“Tampering?” she repeated, furious and cold and hurt. “I was just trying to regain my freedom—you know, one of the basic constitutional rights guaranteed to every citizen!”

“I’ve heard this all before.”

“Well, you’re going to hear it again!”

“Get down, Kaylie.”

“No way.”

“Get down. Now!” he roared.

“You have no right to order me around!” she yelled, tossing her head imperiously.
