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But he grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her back around. It was obvious from the look in his eyes that he blamed her for his wife’s death. She tried pulling her arm away, tried to leave once again, her heart broken into a million little pieces. “Where the fuck are you going?” He growled the words before dragging her back into the room and slamming the door shut.

* * *

On the otherside of town the widows Connors and Ivory were sitting on the former’s front porch enjoying the nice glass of lemonade heavily dosed with their favorite bourbon.

The sun was just beginning to set and the day was finally cooling down from the hellish heat they’d been battling for the last few days. “Well, I sure am glad that’s over.”

“You and me both, but I do feel bad for that poor young woman, and here I was thinking the worst of her.”

“How were you to know Constance, that she and her husband liked running around town playing kinky games with one another? Anybody would’ve thought the same as you.”

They both stopped to take a sip of their drink, both exclaiming at the sweet tart taste that hit the spot as the alcohol coursed through their systems and did what it did best.

They were both of the school of thought that a drink a day kept the doctor away.

“I wonder what’s gonna happen next.”

“What do you mean Constance?”

“Well, you know what they say Lenore, these things always happen in threes.”

