Page 12 of Enchanted Fairytale

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Dad has only started giving them to me this year, not years earlier.

“What?” This doesn’t make any sense at all.

He lets out a loud laugh that sounds foreign given the time and place. “Did you not know that the two of them came here to steal my family’s enchanted roses? That they would pick the lock on the gate and sneak past the garden just to cut off the newest rose that was blooming? Did they tell you that no matter what I did to try to discourage their stealing, they just continued? For decades?”

“Dad has picked roses from your family’s garden for decades? That can’t be right.”

The beast doesn’t respond, he just lets out a deep grunt that sounds a lot like a scoff.

My gaze darts over to the jail cell where Mom and Dad are still huddled together, meeting Dad’s gaze. His expression doesn’t hold a hint of guilt or regret.

“Dad? Is this true? Have you and Mom been stealing these roses for that long?”

A thought crosses my mind and I let out a small gasp.

“Dad, did you know that Mom was here this whole time? Did you get her kidnapped by coming here to steal the roses?”

I watch as Dad’s eyes widen in shock.

“No!” He yells before waiting a few moments, “Well…”

“Oh. My. God! You knew Mom was here this entire time and you didn’t tell me?”

How could Dad lead me to believe that Mom was missing? How could he let me grow up without a mom?

Dad looks at the ground while Mom squeezes his arm.

“It’s true. My father kidnapped your mom several years ago for cutting the enchanted roses down.”

He laughs a deep belly laugh that is full of menace. “It didn’t work though because your dad just kept coming back, but at least your mom is repaying her debt.”

I loved those roses, and Dad shouldn’t have cut them down without permission, but that doesn’t give him a right to kidnap my parents. Anger rises inside of me as hate fills my heart.

“How dare you rob them of their life together. Rob me of my teenage years without a mother! All along I thought she was dead, but she’s been locked up here! You are nothing but a monster!”

Even though I let my emotions out, the fire is still burning inside.

The beast turns away from me and shrugs. “I’ve been called worse.”

I watch as he heads down the dark hallway towards the stairs. My lips tighten into a small, thin line. He’s not going to get off this easy.

“Come back here and unlock the gate!” I scream towards his furry back.

He twirls around so fast; all I see is a blur of fur.

“I don’t think so. They need to realize their actions have consequences.”

His voice is cool, calm, and collected. It is the opposite of mine.

A million scenarios flash before my eyes. Losing Mom and Dad weighs heavily on my heart. Imagining them freezing here in this cold, abandoned stone jail cell causes my heart to break into pieces.

A sob catches in my throat as I think of all the years Dad lived without Mom. All of the years that Mom was stuck here as a prisoner in this tower, freezing and longing for the family she lost.

I don’t want Mom and Dad to miss out on any more years. They deserve happiness. Mom deserves to be back home, in her own bed at night.

Before my mind can fully process the idea that pops into my head or the possible consequences of said idea, my mouth opens and the words tumble out.

“Fine. Then take me instead.” My voice is low and somber and seems to catch everyone by surprise.
