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“Nothing. I think it was a fluke,” I said.

“Cookie?” Kaden asked. He moved his attention off me, and I could breathe again.

He leaned back, listening to her outline every last detail and then adding some flourishes like she was performing a play. His expression remained calm and controlled, his attention shifting my way ever so often.

He wasn't anywhere near as surprised or dismissive as I’d hoped. He was supposed to laugh this off, or dismiss it out of hand.

I crossed my arms and then immediately dropped them, refusing to look defensive. I stared at the floor, the wall above his head, my nails…

She finally finished her act, and Kaden’s attention was solely on me. His fingers were running along his chin, and I could see him calculating something.

“I think you might be overstating it slightly,” I said to Cookie. “The guy wasn’tthatpersuaded by me.” I turned, glaring at her, not that she seemed to be aware.

She continued carrying on to Kaden. “She had him eating out of the palm of her hand. I’ve never seen a newbie pull off something like that. It was insane.”

With every word she said, I could almost feel the door shutting on me ever getting back to a normal life.

“Interesting,” Kaden said, again, not sounding surprised.

Had he expected this? Why would he? Their test had labeled me a waste of space. And yet, even as shuttered his emotions, as glib and smoothed over as Kaden was, there wasn’t even the tiniest flicker of surprise. Had he considered this a possibility? Was that why he’d sent me with her?

Cookie’s phone buzzed, and she looked down. “Shit. Forgot I double-booked today. You got this all? I gotta run.”

“We’re good. Go handle your business,” Kaden said, as his attention shifted fully to me

Cookie was out the door. I turned to follow her but didn’t make it out before my name was out of his lips and he was uttering the words I knew would bring my doom.

“Billie, we need to have a conversation.”

Chapter Ten

Iwas still staring at the open door, trying to force myself to turn back around. There would be no avoiding this conversation with Kaden, and there was nothing good that would come out of it.

“Shut the door,” Kaden said.

No one tells you good news with the door shut. I did as he asked, the sound of it closing echoing through the room. I turned, still standing in the same spot.

“Why don’t you take a seat?” He motioned toward the abandoned chair with a tilt of his head.

The more cordial he was, the more dismal things were probably going to be. I walked, slowly, until I dropped into the seat across from him.

“What did you want to talk about?” He hadn’t said it yet, but my body and brain were already reacting as if I were screwed. That it was a done deal. I was stuck here, and this conversation would merely confirm it. Had I been screwed before Cookie gave him this information? That question would probably haunt me in the coming days.

“I know you’ve been hoping to reverse your reservation. The possibility has always been unlikely. Now that you’ve tinkered, I think you should be prepared that the changes are likely irreversible.” He rested his chin on his fist, his legs stretched out before him.

One would think he’d at least pretend to be disappointed for me instead of this casualoh wellattitude.

“If I’m screwed, just say it and let’s be done with it,” I said.

“Fine. You’re screwed,” he replied with a shrug.

There hadn’t been a second’s hesitation. No remorse. NoI'm sorry.Definitelyno sorry. He didn’t seem to be bothered at all that I was stuck here. Why would he? He’d just picked up another asset for his business.

He could think whatever he wanted. I wasn’t accepting it.

I got out of the seat, no desire to stay in this room with him. I headed toward the door and then swung back around, probably looking as erratic as I felt.

“What exactly is the issue? Why are you acting as if this is final? Because of some fluke? What does it matter if I was responsible for that man’s actions?” My voice was only a touch shy of a shriek, and I didn’t care. I was beyond worrying about decorum. The only thing that mattered was going home.
