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“I don’t know what you are, and you can’t seem to enlighten me. I do know nothing is adding up. You might be as ignorant as you act, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a setup.”

“You’re saying my gram put me in here to spy on you with zero clue as to what I’m doing? A spy that continually wants to leave?”

The words nearly stunned me. He thought I was planted here to watch him? I swallowed, not even sure how to reply.

“Until I know more, I’m not ruling anything out.”

“As much as I enjoyed this pleasant morning with you and yourlovelyfriend, I think we both know where we stand. I’m ready to go.”

I walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs, ready to find the door back to the outpost whether or not Kaden followed me.

Chapter Fifteen

Kaden followed me out of his place. We didn’t talk on our way to the outpost. He opened the door for me when we got there. I didn’t say goodbye, and neither did he.

I stepped into the lounge and felt myself unwind a hair. Could it be that I was actually relieved to be here?

The rest of the gang looked up and nodded their acknowledgments. I went into the kitchen and made myself a coffee from this nice little latte setup they had. I went back to the lounge, dropping onto the couch where Cookie was sitting, across from Dice and Conner, feeling like I’d gone ten rounds in a no-holds-barred cage fight.

Cookie sucked on her lollipop, making a loud noise when she plucked it out. “You look a little better than you did last night. That doesn’t say much, considering how bad you looked last night.”

“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks. I guess. I’m definitely better anyway.” I rambled, belatedly realizing she hadn’t actually asked how I was doing.

Connor was eyeing me up in between flipping through a motorcycle magazine. Dice was cleaning another gun, making me wonder how many of them he had.

“Want a lollipop?” She used her own to point to the jar sitting on the coffee table. “Just got some grape in. Dice hasn’t managed to eat them all yet.”

Dice threw her a glare but remained silent. I didn’t want to get involved in their bickering, but I had noticed him going hard on the strawberry the other day.

“For someone who just came out the other side of transitioning in the most painful way ever, you should look a little more relieved. And yet…” Cookie hummed.

“She looks slightly out of sorts,” Dice said, nodding and smiling, as if there were some inside joke I didn’t know.

“It wasn’t Monday or Thursday date night, but I’m still guessing she met the twat,” Connor said, laughing as he kept reading his magazine.

“Shedefinitelymet the twat,” Cookie said. “There’s only one soul-sucking asshole who can make blue skies turn gray, and that is, drumroll, please…”

“Thetwat,” all three of them said in unison.

“You mean Antoinette?” I’d always hated the wordtwat. Maybe even despised it. But nothing about my meeting Antoinette had filled me with motivation to defend her.

“Yes,her,” Cookie said.

They were all waiting for me to confirm it.

“She did happen to be there this morning.” If they asked me for details, they weren’t getting any. The details had been humiliating enough the first time they were said.

“Oh yeah, finding that you’d stayed overnight? That must’ve burned her up,” Dice said. “I would’ve paid to be there for that introduction.”

Cookie handed me a lollipop. “Take it. You deserve it.”

I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’m good. I’m not much of a lollipop person.”

“That’s because you’ve never had Nowhere lollipops. Trust me.”

I took it just to not argue. My last twenty-four hours hadn’t left much energy to do anything but agree. I leaned over, willing to take any kind of lift I could get, even if it were a sugar high.

I sucked on the lollipop, and it was like sucking on heaven. These things might become addictive. I looked at it, trying to see whatever magic was used to create such a glorious candy.
