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I lifted a hand, giving her a wave as I kept my back to her, not wanting to have to explain why I was crying.

Chapter Twenty-Six

It was Wednesday, the day I was going to meet Gram. My entire life I’d been a rule follower, but if I wanted to survive in this new world, I’d have to change. I’d have to push the boundaries, discover the truth on my own.

I went back to my room, rifling through my drawers, not finding anything that would work. The people in Nowhere didn’t dress in furry sweaters and pastels, at least not the ones I’d seen coming in and out of The Deep. They were edgier, harder, the way I’d have to be.

Letting other people determine my life wasn’t an option. This wasn’t the world I’d grown up in, where following rules was perhaps a good thing. I was living in the Wild West, and if I didn’t adapt, I’d get stampeded by horses and have my gold stolen.

I went to the big closet, the space that was one of my happy places here, and scanned the racks of clothing until I found thin leather pants. A bustier? Yeah, why not. A pair of knee-high boots and a sleek jacket? All good.

I slicked my hair into a high pony, applied more makeup than was my norm, and stood back, admiring my handiwork. I looked nothing like my usual self. I looked like someone who belonged in Nowhere.

I made my way to the door that led to Nowhere, looking hotter than I’d thought possible. Mentally? I felt like a kid playing dress-up who was about to get snagged for smoking.

Heads turned as my boots hit the street. I didn’t look at them or away. I acted like I was right where I should be. I’d passed by The Deep before and knew right where to go.

There were two bouncers at the door as I approached. They eyed me as I neared, but neither made a move to stop me as I walked in.

The music was some otherworldly blend of disco and pop. The entire place was eyeing me, from the patrons dancing and grinding on the floor, to the ones drinking, to the staff. Some of them I recognized, but most were faces I’d never seen.

They tracked my steps as I made my way to the bar, realizing suddenly I didn’t know what currency they used to pay for a drink. Or what to order in this place. I could ask for a water, but would they charge me? And how would I tip? I swerved away from the bar at the last second, finding a stool in the corner. Maybe I’d avoid the bar until I found Gram. Or more likely, until she found me.

A man approached me and leaned his shoulder against the wall beside me. Was this Gram? A bit bigger and burlier than I thought she’d go for, but all bets were off when you were switching bodies. Somehow, I assumed she’d opt for a frame like Grandpa’s, lean and wiry, like a runner’s. What if you didn’t get a choice?

“Haven’t seen you before.” Big and Burly smiled, his eyes dropping to my chest.

This man might be a lot of people, but he wasnotGram.

“I’m meeting someone.”

“I think you just met them.” He grinned like a cat with a bowl of cream and kept glancing down at my chest.

I wanted to poke him in the eyes so he’d stop staring at my breasts, and then scrub myself down. I couldn’t afford a scene, but I wasn’t going to leave. Gram was coming. That left getting rid of this guy, and trying to put some space between us, while I waited.

“No, I’m sure I haven’t.” I got up from my stool, inching away.

“How can you know until you give it a whirl?”

He’d taken a step to follow me when Kaden filled the space between us.

“Because she’s here to meet me,” Kaden said.

Big and Burly backed away with a nod. “Sorry. I didn’t know she was with you,” he said, his grin gone, and he pointedly avoided looking in my direction as he walked away.

Kaden smiled, almost looking charming, as if heweremeeting me for a date.

With his back to the crowd, he asked, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Up close, the fury was nearly palpable. There was a smirk on his face but the threat of murder in his eyes.

“Just wanted to check the place out,” I said, trying to appear as casual as he was.

“I thought we’d established rules. You aren’t supposed to be in Nowhere alone.” He smirked, keeping up appearances.

“I believe you made some requests, but I don’t recall signing away my every choice in blood.” I smiled wide.

He planted his hand on the wall behind me, leaning in slightly. From a distance, he might’ve appeared to be flirting. They couldn’t see the glower. His jaw shifted.
