Page 20 of Dangerous Seduction

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Epilogue I



Two months later:

It took my mom and his grandfather to persuade Akio to wait this long to marry me. He wanted to be married the week after I told him yes in the bedroom after he had killed my stalker. Both of them told him he was going to wait for them to do it right and not rush them. They flew mom and dad out a few times over the last couple of months so they could stay with me and we could plan.

Now today has finally come and I can't force myself out of bed. The world is swirling around me and I think I am going to be sick. This cannot be happening to me on my wedding day. Akio isn't going to care if I throw up on the priest or embarrass myself in front of everyone; all he wants is us married. I have to get up.

I force myself to roll over and sit up. The movement isn't my friend and I find myself in the bathroom hugging the toilet. The door to the bedroom opens and I know my mom can see me but when I look up I don't find my mom's worried face. I see Akio.

Oh no! This is definitely not the image I want him to have of me right before he is supposed to say I do. He rushes to me but his face isn't full of worry. He's smiling like a fool - or like he is up to something.

"Why are you smiling? I'm going to ruin today for you." I break down and finally sob, well okay more like ugly cry, into his shoulder.

"Because, my beautiful blossom. I just won fifty dollars from both your mother and my grandfather."

That makes me push away from him so I can stare into his eyes. What the hell does that have to do with me vomiting? Does he not even fucking care that I just threw my insides up not seconds before?

"You're carrying my baby."

His words are smug and don't leave anything to interpretation. "Oh my God." I start crying harder.

"Blossom, what is wrong? Don't you want to have my baby?"

"Yes," I sniffle, "but how am I supposed to walk down the aisle and look beautiful and give you the day you deserve if I am throwing up and can't stop getting dizzy."

"You have already given me more than I deserve, my sweet cherry blossom. I want nothing more than I want you. I have a friend who is already here for the wedding and I think she can help."

I bristle at the fact that he has a female friend, I know it's not right but I'm not feeling very right at the moment. I'm feeling crazy and like I can't control anything, even myself.

"She's a doctor and one of the reasons she is here is because I knew you were pregnant. I was going to ask her to meet with you after the wedding so the two of you could get to know each other before we left on our honeymoon but since you seem to need her now I will ask her - and her very happily married husband - if they can come a little sooner."

"How could you tell I was pregnant?"


"What?" I don't understand. How did he win a bet if his grandfather told him I was pregnant? Was the bet about something else?

"The other day grandfather told me you were acting just like my grandmother when she was carrying my father - a little more emotional, tired, achy." I give him a confused look. I'm not tired and achy or emotional - no more than usual - am I? "You cry at commercials on television."

Like that answers everything. "Some of those abused dog commercials are gut-wrenching." My eyes start to fill with tears at just the thought. "If your grandfather knew then how did you win? What did you bet on?"

He is busily texting away so the doctor knows to come now so when he answers me it is a little distracted, "That we would be able to tell for certain before you walked down the aisle to me. If you had waited to get sick until this afternoon I would have owed both of them fifty dollars."

"You thought I was going to get sick before the wedding?!" I have just gone from sad and depressed to pissed off and mad in a few seconds. Maybe they are right about me being 'emotional'.

"I didn't say that. I said you would just start showing more and more signs the closer to the wedding and they thought it would be after when we were on our honeymoon."

"How is the doctor going to help?"

He smiles and wipes the tears off my cheeks, "Well she will look you over and tell me how to better take care of you, maybe give you medicine to help settle your stomach a little if it is very bad. And by the way," he brushes my hair back from my face and neck, "knowing that you are stuffed full with my baby, what we did to put it there, and the glow you have about you makes you the most breathtakingly beautiful woman I have ever seen. Never worry that you are not the most beautiful woman in the room, blossom. I see no other but you."

"Maybe the doctor can wait for a few minutes when she gets here," all I can think about now is having him inside of me and making him feel as good as he makes me feel all the time. I need to show this man how much I love him and that I can't wait to be his wife.
