Page 3 of Hard Steel

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I grunted. I needed to get to the front door, though, and they were stretched out like sunbathers on a beach on a ninety-degree day. Hair of all colors, some tall, some short and curvy. Bishop liked those the best. I was more of an ass man, and I couldn’t see their asses under the few blankets that covered them.

This early the club was still quiet, everyone asleep in their rooms, couches and apparently the floor worked too. After all the partying last night they’d all sleep through noon. Let ’em sleep while they could.

I stepped over one girl, and another working my way to the door. As for me, I had business to take care of. Being the prez came with a shit ton of responsibilities and why I hadn’t stayed up all night fucking and getting drunk like everybody else.

I looked down at the face of the woman. Her eyes were round and she lay still like a rabbit about to be eaten.

Damn, maybe the recruit hadn’t done so well after all. If this chick couldn’t even meet my gaze without wetting her pants, how would she ever give the guys what they needed?

Of course, not many could deal with a man like me. Nothing new there. I was a bad-ass motherfucker that nobody wanted to tangle with and many steered clear of. Came with the territory. If the club candy weren’t offering themselves for sex, they ran the other way when they saw me. It took a strong woman to walk in my circle.

I shrugged and stepped over the woman. And the next five. When I was one sleeping woman away from making my exit, I lifted a foot to go over a woman with streaky blonde hair. She looked like one of those girls on the beach, for sure. Sun-kissed. Her upturned nose had freckles, for God’s sake.

Probably the most delicate of them all. Sweet as an angel. She sure the fuck didn’t belong here. Next time I saw the patch who brought her to a place like our club I’d need to remind him we were theFallenAngels. Not a place for actual angels like this one.

Before I could put my boot down, she opened her eyes and looked straight into my fucking soul.

I froze, our gazes locked.

Those eyes. Big and as blue as the sea. Fuck, I could almost hear the gulls in the air. How many times had I ridden the stretch of California coast on my bike and seen the colors of the water and sky that were this girl’s eyes?

And she was a fucking girl. Young, maybe nineteen. Did she even know what the fuck she was getting into by being here? Gut instinct had me itching to pick her up and put her outside and tell her to find something better for herself.

I sure as hell couldn’t let my guys use her up until she was a faded version of herself like so many other candies that have moved through here.

“Hi,” she said, her voice whispery from sleep. Or maybe it was just the way she sounded.

Blood rushed straight to my cock at the sweet, angelic sound leaving her plump lips.

My gaze roamed over her form concealed by a blue blanket. I couldn’t make out much of her.

Hell, why was I even contemplating this? I wouldn’t be the guy to use her up and spit her out like all the other club candy. In fact, I didn’t want any of them. I’d deal with my tension and stress another way. Fuck, I’d go kill a few of those low-life Dark Wraths selling dope to kids if I had to. There was always some Wrath who would be better off on the other side of the veil. Seemed like a good option.

I tightened my lips into a thin line as I looked down at her. “Sorry to wake you, angel.”

She pushed onto her elbows, and the blanket fell away from her full breasts tucked behind a bra and something frilly. Fuck. Unlike all these other candies, this one still had her clothes on.


I took in the pretty peaches pressing against her top. Maybe not peaches. They were a good handful each, but I had big hands. She wore a camisole I think they’re called that matched the color of her eyes and at that second a dangerous thought entered my head.

“You not with anyone?”

“As in did I sleep alone? Yes. Did I come with someone? Just a couple of girlfriends who have different ideas than I do about a good time.”

Her pretty eyes roamed over every inch of me and then two other girls I presumed to be her friends. They were definitely naked.

But nother.

Shit. I bet if I were to take a good lungful of air, I’d even smell her virginity. She sure as shit looked it with those wide, curious eyes drinking me.

I made an obvious try at pushing my hard cock to where the teeth of my zipper didn’t dig into the flesh of my cock.

“Sorry to have woken you, angel.”

I needed to leave. I couldn’t start thinking about her in the ways my brain wants to. Any kind of distraction was deadly in my life.

She dragged her eyes from my hard shaft, drawing a lip between her teeth in the process. “You didn’t wake me. I was just lying here with my eyes closed before I got up and started cleaning.”
