Page 31 of Asher

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Hell yes. Guess I wasn’t the only one who knew how to make the right moves to get what they wanted, and it was fucking hot. There was nothing timid or shy about her right now. She was fully comfortable making the first move, and damn if I didn’t find that sexy as hell.

“I’ve always wanted to research the whole mile high club thing.” She ran her fingers through my hair and settled onto my lap.

“Are you asking me to fuck you on this plane?” There was no way I was going to take her up here, not when we would land before I could hit the three orgasms and two rounds she deserved. But that didn’t stop my hands from drifting under her dress and up her thighs, or my cock going from stiff underneath her.

“If I was,” she leaned in and brushed her lips over mine. “Would you?”

“No.” I shook my head, but pressed my fingers into the soft skin of her hips to keep her right where she was. “There’s not enough time to do everything I want to you up here.”

“So you’ve thought about what you want to do to me?” Another graze of her lips over mine, and I nearly broke.

“At least every few minutes since you walked into my office,” I admitted, my hands shifting to her ass. I groaned. “You’re distracting as hell.”

“So what about just doing one of the things you’ve thought about while being so—” she ran her tongue along my lower lip, “—distracted?”

I snapped.

Our mouths collided, and we both moaned as our tongues met and swirled. She tasted like orange juice and champagne and a heady, sweet taste I realized was just her. Her fingers tugged at my hair, and I kissed her deeper, taking full control. She liked it when I stroked the little ridge of flesh right behind her teeth. She loved it when I sucked her tongue into my mouth.

The kiss caught like wildfire, enflaming every one of my senses as I took her mouth again and again, my hands kneading her ass, pulling her tighter against me. She rocked her hips against my cock and I moaned into her mouth, driving right back against her. She rewarded me with a whimper, pushing me to the edge of my restraint faster than anyone ever had, robbing me of every logical thought with that simple sound.

I wanted more. I needed to hear what she sounded like when she let go, when she came apart.

“One thing I’ve thought about?” I asked against her mouth.

“One thing,” she whispered, rolling her hips over me again.

This was absolute madness, and yet I was absolutely here for it.

“Hold on,” I ordered, gripping her ass and flipping her to her back on the couch, sliding her up so her head brushed the armrest.

She gasped, and I took complete advantage, settling my hips between her thighs and consuming her mouth with my own. Fuck yes, this was exactly where I wanted her, with all these delicious curves beneath me. I kissed her breathless and pushed her skirt to her waist.

“Asher.” Her knees squeezed my hips.

“Tell me I can’t touch you and I’ll stop right now,” I promised, my fingers drawing slow circles on the top of one thigh.

“I think I’ll die if you stop,” she said, pulling my head back to hers.

That made two of us.

I kissed her with every ounce of skill I’d learned over my lifetime, bringing one hand up to cradle her cheek, then brace my weight so I didn’t crush her.

Her hips arched, but I kept my fingers right where they were, sensitizing her skin, drifting just to the elastic of her—yeah, those were satin—underwear, and back to her thigh as I kissed us both mad. Then I brought my mouth to her throat and her back bowed beneath me.

“You like that,” I whispered.

“I like everything you’re doing,” she responded, her hands in my hair.

“Good.” I kissed down to her collarbone and then to the swell of her breasts. “I have thought about these every single day. You have no idea how many times I’d catch myself staring, wondering what they’d feel like in my hands, against my tongue.”

She slipped the spaghetti straps of her dress down her arms, revealing a pale pink strapless bra. “You have no idea how many times I’ve wondered what your mouth would feel like.”

This woman was going to be my fucking ruin.

I raised one breast from its cup, and my dick throbbed at the sight. She was more than enough to overflow my hands, and the coral-pink tip was already hard and ready for my mouth. “Fucking beautiful.”

“More mouth,” she teased, her hands back on my head, guiding me exactly where she wanted me.

I went willingly, sucking her nipple into my mouth, all while stroking and teasing her thighs, wandering closer and closer to her pussy.
