Page 95 of Ridge's Release

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“I want to be with you too.”

“Now that we’ve gotten those two things out of the way, tell me what’s been going on with you and the DA.”

“You mean the one who put cameras and bugs in my apartment?”

“One and the same.”

“He blackmailed me,” I admitted.

“I figured he had.”

“He threatened to get me disbarred if I didn’t tell him everything that happened in Mexico and England. After I did, he wasn’t too happy with me.”

“He wasn’t?”

“He could hardly go after someone—collectively—who is working with the US and UK governments, MI5, and customs and immigration. Not to mention a private intelligence firm that works almost exclusively with the CIA.”

He raised a brow.

“Merrigan helped me with some of that.” I groaned. “God, I bet Cooley knows she did. She’ll be subpoenaed next. Now I feel terrible.”

“She won’t be. I guarantee it.”

“Well, anyway, I’ve spent the last few days trying to find out what he has on Los Caballeros that made the judge issue the search warrant.”

“Nothing. The judge is as dirty as the DA is.”

“I’d considered the possibility.” I turned so I could look at him. “How do you know they both are? Do you have proof?”

Noah nodded. “And a motive.”
