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Jenny was the picture of anger behind us. “Ben? Aren’t you ready for lunch?”

I leaned in closer to Ben and lowered my voice. “We can talk. Just as friends, okay? And as a friend? Run as far as you can from that one.”

He stood up and leaned over, gently kissing the top of my head. “It’s a joke to think I could even look at another woman right now. She’s just showing me around as part of the welcome committee. Nice town.”

Megan snorted. “Getting nicer by the minute. I wasn’t aware we had a welcome committee.”

Jenny glared at Megan. “You aren’t aware of a lot of things.”

“Watch it, Regina George.” Kara’s grip on her fork was threatening, to say the least.

I patted Ben’s hand and kept my smile in place. “I’m free later today. We can talk then if that works for you?”

He pulled out his phone and mine beeped a second later. “That’s the address of the place I’m staying. We can sit out on the porch. I’d rather not have to hear all about my failures, no matter how valid, in a public setting, if that’s okay.”

I stood up and hugged him before quickly pulling away and resting my hand on his arm. “I’ll be there around five.”

“Shit. I suggest you run, Benny Boy. Even though you cheated on my bestie, you don’t seem like you deserve to be crushed to death.” Megan’s quick warning alerted us all to the incoming storm that was Theo.

Ben had the balls to pull me in for another fast hug before nodding at me. “See you at five.”

Jenny was left standing just on the outskirts of our table when Theo came to a stop in front of me. She was all eyes as she looked on.

“What the hell did he want? Why was he hugging you? Can he not take a hint?” Theo gripped the back of my neck and looked me over, clearly not seeing his ex-wife. “You okay? Did he bother you? I’ll kick his ass if he upset you, Rea. Just say the word.”

Megan cleared her throat. “Situational awareness, anyone?”

I pressed my knuckles against his stomach lightly, where Jenny couldn’t see, and flicked my eyes in her direction. “He was here with Jenny, actually.”

Theo glanced up, saw Jenny, scowled, and then pulled me into his chest. “I’ve got to run. I’m picking Iris up and we’re going to the park with Piper and Posie.”

Jenny scoffed. “What the actual fuck, Theo?”

He didn’t take his eyes off me as he spoke to her. “Good to see you, too, Jenny.”

I licked my lips and went to step away from him, slightly freaking out at being seen by his crazy ex. He caught the front of my shirt and pulled me closer.

“Want to come?” He stared at my mouth and when he glanced up at my eyes, he narrowed his slightly. “What? You’re about to say something I’m not going to like, aren’t you?”

“She’s going on a date with her boyfriend. Guess she’s too busy for a mechanic from Bumfuck, nowhere, when a rich boy from Hollywood is calling.” Jenny left with that parting blow, clearly happy with herself for trying to hurt Theo as she whistled her way away, food forgotten.

I glared after her and seethed, losing myself momentarily. Jerking away from Theo, I hurried after Jenny, catching up with her easily. She jumped when I popped up next to her. “That mechanic from Bumfuck is the best man you could ever hope to spend a second of time with. If you have an issue with me, keep it with me. Going after Theo is bullshit and you know it. Not only is he great, he’s the father of your child. Show a little respect.”

Megan appeared at my side and wrapped her hands around mine, which had balled into fists. “On that note, you should go before my sweet and kind best friend loses herself to teach you a lesson.”

I’d said what I needed to say, though. I walked back towards our table, nearly bumping into Theo, who was right behind me. I looked up and saw that he was grinning down at me. Sighing, knowing that I was going to be teased for how I’d tried to fight for him, I poked his chest. “Not a word, Theo.”

He followed behind me as I walked back to our table. “That was almost enough to make me forget that you’re meeting with your ex.”

“Go away, Theo.”

He spun me around and lifted my chin. “You’re beautiful when you’re angry.”

I rolled my eyes and shoved at his chest, barely moving him. “Goodbye, Theo!”

“Let Hollywood down easy, baby.”
