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Chapter Twelve

Arabelle was still catching her breath an hour later, her senses reawakened and her whole body buzzing yet gratified all at once.

One thing she could say about her husband, he knew how to please a woman in bed. He wasn’t just in it for his own release.

But then she’d been close to coming the moment he’d ripped off her gown like a caveman, then licked and sucked her nipples. When he’d done the same to her pussy, his stubble grazing her sensitive flesh, she’d tipped right over the edge. Then he’d slid his cock deep inside her, and she’d held his gaze as he’d rocked in and out, faster and faster, making her forget her every good intention as passion took hold and she’d shattered hard, taking him with her.

What was wrong with her? She’d been pleased when her mind had shut down despite her body’s need for gratification. But she could no longer deny her mind and body were as one…at least when it came to sex.

The mattress creaked as he stood, gloriously naked, the trickle of moonlight filtering inside providing enough illumination to showcase his hard male body. He was lean and fit, with corded muscles she wanted to touch and trace, his golden skin drawing her eyes like a magnet.

He pulled back the covers, then took her hands and set her onto her feet. “Time for sleep,” he said huskily.

She looked up at him. She’d always been short compared to most other people, but he made her feel tiny and even a little fragile in comparison. She didn’t doubt for one second the promise he’d made into her ear while he’d been stroking in and out of her.

Next time I’ll hold you against the wall and claim you.

But then she’d never doubted his strength. She’d only ever doubted his intentions for marrying her.

It didn’t stop her from asking, “Will you stay with me this time?”

“Of course.” His white teeth glinted in the semi-darkness. “I have to get some sleep eventually.”

She climbed under the covers and he followed her and pulled her against his hardness, the tantalizing scent of sex and amber filling her nostrils. Then he drew the bedding around them and kissed her nape, murmuring, “Goodnight, my sweet little wife.”

“Goodnight,” she said in return, smiling wryly into the shadows knowing his embrace made her feel safe and secure.

As her eyes drifted shut, a vivid memory immediately penetrated her dreams…

The aroma of coffee beans lingered in Arabelle’s nostrils, the air brisk outside and the earlier rain a wet shadow on the pavement as she and her friends left the coffee shop.

Her nape prickled, and hiding a frown, she glanced over her shoulder. But the lunchtime crowd was too dense to pick out any one person.

“Are you okay, honey?” Kiki asked, touching her shoulder with one of her long-nailed hands.

Arabelle nodded. “Yes, I’m fine.” She forced a smile. “I guess with the end of year exams coming up I’ve been a bit overwhelmed.”

Scott exhaled with disbelief. “You aceallyour exams! You have nothing to be worried about. Me, on the other hand…”

Kiki’s hair shook as she giggled. “I probably shouldn’t laugh, but you’re right, Scott. If anyone should be worried, it’s you.”

Scott waggled his eyebrows. “Except I have a tutor now.” He glanced meaningfully at Arabelle. “And I foresee passing all my future exams with flying colors.”

“Any excuse to get close to the one girl whose heart you haven’t broken,” Kiki trilled.

But Arabelle was barely listening. All her senses buzzed with the sensation of someone watching her, perhaps even listening in on the conversation with her friends. She twisted to look behind her once again, her eyes connecting like radar to a man whose black eyes glinted with brilliance and something deeper…something she couldn’t quite read.

Contempt? Desire? No, something in-between.

That most of his face was hidden in shadow by a stylish hat still didn’t quite hide his Middle Eastern heritage or the expensive suit that very few English men could afford. Her stomach roiled. Had her father sent someone to spy on her?

Then the man turned, and even with his great height he was soon lost in the crowd. She inhaled sharply, filling her lungs with air once again even as her friends called out, “Arabelle, what are you doing? Let’s go!”

Her jaw ached as she pasted on a fake smile and ran to catch up. But her senses were left reeling from the confrontation with the stranger, a man her mind wouldn’t let go of.

A man who’d been a stranger and who was now all too familiar.

Her dream faded to reality. And as she jerked awake, her mind shoutedMahindar!
