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Hamid chuckled. “If they’re smart they would have done exactly that. The press knows I’d pay big money to have it deleted and our privacy intact.” He shifted his head a little so that his mouth grazed hers, his kiss tender. “But for now we should probably get dressed and get out of here before someone comes sniffing around.”

She withheld a shuddery sigh when he drew away and disposed of the condom. That she was emotionally empty at the physical disconnect left her a little shaken. She’d be gone soon; she couldn’t afford this emotional attachment to him.

“Are you okay?” he asked huskily.

She nodded and forced a smile as she dressed. “It’s not my first rodeo.”

He pulled his zipper up with a snort, his eyes darkening as she slid the dress back over her head. “It should be illegal for you to dress like that.”

“Have you checked yourself in the mirror lately?”

He cocked his head to one side. “So you really do like me in a suit?”

“I adore you in a suit.”

He clasped her hand and led her out of what was probably his office and into yet another wide corridor, his grin cocky. “Then I’ll be sure to wear one more often.”

She glanced up at him, her mind already whirring. “Did you really mean what you said to those reporters about an exhibition?”

“Of course. I don’t say anything I don’t mean.”

“That only gives me three days to prepare everything.”

“Don’t stress about it. I’ve already put together a team for you to work with.”

“You have?” she squeaked. “But of course you have.”

He slanted a look at her. “You don’t sound impressed.”

“I’m an independent woman, Hamid, I’ve made it on my own so far without—“

“Without my help, I get it,” he said astutely. “And you don’t want me to steamroll you with my money and my contacts.”

She nodded. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful, I really am. And I’m not going to say no to an exhibition now that you’ve organized one for me.”

He sent her a wary look. “But you would have preferred that I discussed it with you first?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

He exhaled. “I’ll be sure to remember that for next time.”

She smiled sadly. “We have two more weeks together. There probably won’t be a next time.”

His eyes darkened, his hand that clasped hers tightening. “You know nothing would please me more than if you stayed longer.”

Her heart ached at the thought even as she shook her head. “We both know that’s not going to happen.” At his clenched jaw she added softly, “I don’t want to sound ungrateful. Youdidsave my life.”

“Don’t hold that against me,” he said drily.

“I just want to enjoy what’s left of our time together. I’m a free spirit, Hamid, just like you. It’s probably what drew us together in the first place.”

“You would feel trapped here with me?”

“I honestly don’t know.” She managed a smile, once again aware just how much she’d miss him. And therein lay the problem. Sheneededto leave before she had no resistance left against him.

Chapter Fourteen

Holly woke to Hamid’s lips covering hers, and a shaft of sunlight dazzling behind her eyelids. She smiled and forced open her eyes, noting his taut, naked body over hers, his erection digging into her body. She stretched. “Mm. I could get used to this.”
