Page 5 of Dad's Cop Friend

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"That girl you chased down but got away was working with the guy," he says, realization dawning on me. "They were in on it together. A team."

"It looks that way," I agree. "We need one of them, Tommy. We get one, the other will crack. We can get one to rat out the other."

"But where do we start? You can tell we have one woman and one man, but they were both masked and wearing gloves."

"We start with the woman," I say, thinking hard. "She's the one I got the cleanest look of before she got away. She's the one that's going to be the weak link."

"What if she's not though?"

"She will be," I promise him. "We just have to find her."

I don't have to wait long. The doors to the police station open and in walks Flor, acting like she owns the place. Which Flor does in a way right now, because she's got me protecting her, looking out for her.

But I'm not the only one with eyes on her.

Every single officer looks up from what they're doing, freezing as they take in the sight of my goddess.

My nostrils flare and my arms shake possessively, jealous of these bastards getting to see her in a form-fitting white tank top, short shorts, and sandals.

My cock hardens as do my fists. I want to punch each and every guy in here for thinking he can look at what's mine, and put my raging erection inside her to show her just who she belongs to.

Flor's eyes lock on mine and I see the moment she realizes I'm here.

Her face breaks into a smile and she starts walking over to me, her hips swaying in that way that makes my cock ache for her.

"I knew it would be easy to find you here, officer," she purrs, reaching me and placing her hand on my chest.

"She's here to see me," I growl loud enough for everyone to hear me, my voice low and dangerous.

A moment passes, and over Flor's shoulder I see some of my colleagues adjusting their crotches.

"What the fuck are you all looking at?" I snarl. "Get back to work and stop gawking."

I lock eyes with another officer, his Adam's apple bobbing before he turns and slowly bends forward, awkwardly sitting before he slides his chair forward, but is unable to get his waist underneath his desk...because the fucker has a hard-on, thinks he has a chance with Flor.

No. Fucking. Way.

Flor giggles and leans in closer to me, her hand moving from my chest to wrap around my bicep.

"He was just looking at me because I'm dressed for the heat wave we're experiencing today, officer," she says, batting her eyelashes at me.

"I don't give a shit why he was looking at you," I growl. "But I do care that he was."

Flor's smile fades and she looks up at me with those big doe eyes.

"I'm sorry, officer," she whispers, her voice shaking. "I didn't mean to make you mad."

I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

"I'm not mad, Flor," I say, my voice softening. "I'm just protective of what's mine."

"Your...what exactly?"

I sigh and shake my head.

"You're too fucking young for me, Flor," I say. "I'm not interested in you that way."

"Oh," she says, her face falling. "You could have fooled me." Her eyes drift down to my groin as her hand slides down my arm.
