Page 148 of Provoke

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“Do you have someone?”

He bobs his head. “I’ll make the call to get the data. Price Security has been looking into a few things, but it’s time to dig through and see what they’ve found.” He steps toward me, keeping a few inches between us. “I know our pitch is good. You’ve worked so hard. I’m sorry this is happening to you, as well.”

“This isn’t your fault, Charles. We’ll figure it out. There is no way Bauer can beat us. I’m sure of it. Holly will change her mind after seeing what we have for her. It’s going to be fine.” I take a deep breath. “I will spend every waking moment making sure it’s perfect. You have my word.”

I’m not entirely sure how much I believe my words, but I want Charles to know that it’s at least possible to bring Holly around. Even if we can’t, we’ll find another talent.

Charles smiles. “You’re brilliant at this job, you know that, right?”

“Now, that is something that I like to hear. Praise from the boss man himself.” I grin up at him, just barely refraining from pressing my lips to his. “But you can thank me after we win the talent,” I say with confidence.

“And how, pray tell, would you like me to thank you?” he asks, voice lowered, eyes wide and two dimples popping.

I step onto my toes and let him pull me into his arms, even though we’re in his office. With everything going on, I need his touch as much as I hope he needs mine.

“Well, I’m sure you can use your imagination for that. But I can give you a little glimpse for now...”

“Here? Isn’t that against your rules?” he teases.

I reach up and pull his face closer to mine. We’d promised each other that we wouldn’t do anything at work anymore, but it’s hard to resist the odd kiss every now and again.

“To hell with the rules.”

I smile as he leans in and deepens the kiss.

“Charlie Edmond Cavendish,” a woman squeals from the doorway.

We turn around in a panic at the sound of the voice, and I quickly break away from Charles as I see Shelby standing there, watching us in what I hope is mock horror.

“Shelby, I... ”

“Got caught kissing the boss?” She smirks.

“It’s not what it looks like,” I say, panicking.

“It’s my fault,” Charles lies, trying to cover for me, but it’s pointless.

Cat’s out of the bag, and the nosiest person in the office bore witness.

“Shelby, I’d appreciate your silence on the matter,” Charles says. “Raven and I have just started seeing each other, and I promised we wouldn’t let it affect work. We agreed to keep things away from the company, and we really should not have kissed in the office. I’m so sorry that you had to walk in on that.”

“Don’t worry about me, sir. Raven is very good at what she does. As long as that doesn’t change, I don’t see the harm in it.”

I sag in relief, not finding a stitch of insincerity in her words.

“Although I must say, it did catch me off guard. You two have played the role of professional rather well.”

Charles smirks. “It’s been bloody difficult, if I’m being honest.”

She smiles at Charles. “Well, I’m just happy to see you smile, Charlie. It’s been... well, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it.”

“You lie,” he drawls. “I’m delightful.”

“A ray of sunshine, sir.”

He shakes his head. “No. That’s her,” he says, looking at me.

It’s such a tender smile. One that melts my heart and sends butterflies flying in my belly.

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