Page 177 of Provoke

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“That seems cold.”

“I didn’t use to think so, but since I’ve met you, I realize what a long, horrible life it would’ve been.” Standing up with a sigh, he says, “You don’t have to say anything, Raven. You don’t have to feel the way I do. But I want you to know that I’m not falling. I’ve completely fallen in love with you.”

My breath hitches, and my heart pitter-patters in my chest.

“From the moment I saw you across the room in Silver, you’ve been all I think about. My world is dull without you, and I can’t go back to that. I won’t.”


“Not yet,” he says, shaking his head. “Let me finish.”

I close my mouth, biting my lip to contain myself. I don’t want to let him tell me what to do, but I am desperate for his words.

“I don’t need you to tell me you feel the same way. I don’t need you to promise me a future. All I need is your reassurance that we’ll see where this goes. That you’ll give me a chance to prove that I’m not the arsehole who spouted those horrible things to you. I will make it up to you, Rae.”

I don’t allow him to say another word. I can’t.

My heart is pounding, and my legs are shaking with the need to be in his arms.

I launch myself at him, slamming my mouth against his.

We’re tangled together in Cavendish Group, and I couldn’t care less.

If we’re going to do this, it isn’t going to be a secret. I lost him once, which taught me that I don’t care what people think. I’m amazing at what I do, and if I have to prove that through hard work, so be it.

It’s been my way all along anyway.

I pull back. “I love you, Charles. It was never a question.”

“I love you, Raven Bennett.”

We fall against each other, losing ourselves in this dark office. Our tongues tangle together, and our hands roam, but we don’t take it any further. It’s not about sex. It’s about finally being on the same page. Finally knowing that this is real.

We’re meant to be.

It was fate bringing us together all along.



Five months have passedsince that awful night in the Hamptons.

The day that Charles admitted his feelings, and I was a coward.

We put the past behind us and vowed to grow together.

To love fiercely.

I’m driving with Asher to the Hampton house. Charles had to go there a day early to meet with the caterers, so we’re meeting him there.

Asher and Charles spoke soon after the whole incident with Bauer. They get along really well now.

I’d even say they’ve grown to be decent friends.

Asher lost his job, as expected, and came to work with us at Cavendish.

Surprisingly, everyone has been very supportive about Charles and I.
