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“Is your husband around?”

“He’s asleep. The trip took a lot out of us, and he’s quite a bit older than I am. Second marriage,” she added in explanation, not that Decker had asked for one. “So, what is it that you need?”

“Do you know if Judge Cummins was seeing anyone?”

“Seeing anyone, you mean as in dating?”


She sat back and let out a long breath. “After the divorce, Julia hunkered down, as it were. She and Barry had it bad the last few years. Lots of fights and arguments. She tried to make it work, she really did, but Barry had some sort of midlife crisis and thought he was twenty again. Right after Julia went on the bench there was some big tax issue because Barry had done something that, if not criminal, went right up to the line. After that, Julia was done.”

“Yeah, I heard all that from others. And after shehunkereddown for a bit?”

“I know she used one of those online dating apps. She had a few dates from those. None of them worked out, at least that I know.”

“I’m sure she would have attracted interest around here.”

“You’d think. But lots of older men like to be the center of attention and they also like to be the ones with the money. And her being a judge probably didn’t help matters. They also like to be the professional king as well. And the men who don’t care about any of that? Well, they bring their own issues.”

“Getting her to fall for them so they can raid her piggybank?”


“So, anyone she might have just run into somewhere and seemed to like? Or someone she ran into and it became a problem?”

Perlman sat forward, looking nervous. “You mean a big enough problem that he might have killed her?”

“The crime did have elements of being one of passion, of rage. You don’t usually get that when someone is just trying to rip someone else off. And it’s hard to fake, because, well, to do to Cummins what someone did? You have to be pretty damn angry.”

She shuddered and sank back against the chair cushions. “Julia did tell me about someone she had known from her past. I mean, her past before she came here.”


“Someone from New York. That person moved down here, while Julia was still married. After she was divorced, they went out for a while. It didn’t last, but…”

“But what?”

“Well, Julia was upset when she spoke about it. She said he seemed very controlling.”

“Do you know his name?”

“That’s just it. I don’t. She never told me for some reason, which was odd. She just spoke generally about it. And then it was over, and I never asked any more about it.”

“Do you know who might know?”

“Doris might. She and Julia were very close. Closer than Julia and I were, at least lately. I think it might have been because I’m married and they were both divorced.”

“Okay. Next question: Did you know the judge’s secretary, Patty Kelly?”

“Just in passing. I never appeared before Julia, for obvious reasons. Why?”

“Just needed to ask.”

She shook her head. “I can’t believe this has all happened. It’s like a nightmare that you can’t wake up from.”

“So, Alan Draymont? Do you remember him guarding you?”

“I believe that he did, yes.”
