Page 40 of Suddenly Married

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“Are you enjoying yourself?” Bill, her father, asked later that day, during the party.

String lights gleamed in the backyard, along with white paper lanterns of different sizes hanging from the trees. A beautiful water fountain occupied the center stage, surrounded by the linen covered tables.

Earlier that evening, Bill and Doris renewed their vows, and a pastor who was also a friend of the family gave them his blessing. The couple even danced to the same music they did on their wedding night, while the crowd cheered them on and clapped.

Now, a three-man band played.

“Yes. It’s quite something,” he said.

“The second time around is easier,” Bill said, then chuckled at himself. “You know, maybe you and Kira can have a second wedding celebration here in Texas. So all her family can come, and we’d love to meet your family too.”

“I’ll talk to her about it,” he said. She seemed to be getting along with her family, but they’d never discussed their relationship past the agreed upon time. The time on the contract, he reminded himself. The future of their relationship was like a thin layer of ice they both feared stepping on. So they simply avoided the topic, even though deep down he knew they’d have to bring it to light sometime. But he’d also have to tell her the truth about his intentions in moving to America, which meant, he could only tell her after reaching his goal. Would it be too late? “I’m sure she’ll be excited,” he added.

His father-in-law patted him on the back. “We hope so. This is a year of vows to our family. I’m looking forward to meeting your people, too.”

A cold wave of sadness washed over him. “Of course,” he said. Who would he bring to such hypothetical wedding? His mother was out of the realm of possibilities—it’d only confuse her. His father… A bittersweet sensation brewed in his gut. He bet his father would like to attend a wedding with this nice Texan family, take some pictures and post it to come across as the nice billionaire. He didn’t care about his only son’s wellbeing. He hadn’t cared his whole life, why would he start now?

He small talked with her father until another guest called Bill, and her father excused himself and went to talk to someone. Then, he jammed his fingers into his pocket and glanced around the backyard. People chatted, laughed and enjoyed the food and drink.

She’d been so worried about coming to this, but her family didn’t bite. They were perfectly fine people—flawed, imperfect, ordinary. Kira was the extraordinary one in her family, the one with hardly any flaws. Certainly, not any he could remember quickly. She had to have them, but—

“Do you want to dance?” asked the feminine voice behind him, with that Texan drawl he’d gotten used to.

He circled to face her… God, she was beautiful. Tonight, she wore a sultry deep green dress that brought out her expressive eyes and wavy hair. All he wanted was to take her to their room and show her how much he craved her. “I want to do a lot of things with you, but dancing isn’t one of them.”

She stretched out her hand, with a naughty twinkle in her eyes. “Tough luck, cupcake.”

* * *

Kira soaked into his embrace. Was there anything her husband wasn’t great at? She sighed.

When she’d seen him alone, watching over the crowd, her heart had thrummed in her chest. Even though she was with her family, the people who had known her since birth, one look at him and it was so clear that he was her home. He was the one she belonged to.

She wasn’t big into dancing, but she wanted to be close to him, and making out in front of her family wouldn’t do—neither would running up to her bedroom in the house, which was crowded.

So now, she had to settle for dancing. For touching. For feeling.

The band played a bluegrass version of I Will Always Love You. The way he moved against her, the strength of his body, the powerful heat sifting through her clothes, sent tingles of arousal to her core.

“Were you a dancer in a past life?”

His hearty chuckle reverberated through her. “Maybe. My mom taught me how to dance. She enjoyed it… it helped her when she was overwhelmed.”

“Dancing with you makes me overwhelmed,” she said, her voice throatier than intended.

His hard cock poked her belly, the silent answer she didn’t know she needed. “Same here,” he said under his breath, and held her closer. “Should we go to the bedroom?”

She shook her head. As much as she wanted, she couldn’t. Damn it. “You know, there’s a hiking trail behind our house I’ve been dying to show you. Right next to the greenbelt.”

“Right now is a good time as any,” he said, his voice dropping an octave.

She lifted her gaze to his and feigned innocence. “Are you sure? I’d hate to get you all worked up in that nice suit you’re wearing.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

She stretched out her hand, and he took her hand in his. Smiling, she discreetly led the way from the backyard to the small picket fence gate leading to the trail, tossing a glance over her shoulder to make sure no one paid attention to them.

Even though he followed her, his energy was domineering. His palm felt hot, his strides long and precise. God.
