Page 19 of Lawyer

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“Come on, you didn’t see that come hither look in her eyes? She was practically throwing her panties at you, Silas.”

I shrug. “I’m here with you. Why would I notice anybody else? Why would I want to?”

My answer is sincere and I think she hears it in my voice because her cheeks flush with color and she bites on her bottom lip to keep her smile from spreading too wide. I’m with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met and the attention of a girl who looks barely out of high school doesn’t interest me, nor does anyone else’s for that matter. The only attention I want is Aria’s. That seems to please her as she sits back with that shy smile on her face again, though she’s doing her best to hide it.

Soft string music is playing but the sound of the crashing waves drowns it out. The moon is a giant, bright disc in the sky and shimmers dazzlingly off the ocean. The silvery light makes the whitecaps and shorebreak glow as if with its own inner light. I couldn’t have picked a more perfect night if I’d tried.

I turn to Aria and her eyes are fixed on the sea with a look of pure awe and delight painting her features. The moonlight above rains down on her, making her alabaster skin incandescent. Beautiful isn’t enough to describe her. Aria is ethereal.

As if she feels my gaze upon her, she turns and offers me a smile and a look of the purest gratitude I’ve ever seen.

“Silas, this… this is amazing,” she says. “Nobody has ever…”

Her voice trails off as if she doesn’t have the words and her eyes shimmer with tears. She picks up her napkin and dabs her eyes. Aria draws in a shaky breath and lets it out slowly then reaches across the table and takes my hand, giving it a firm squeeze. The light in her eyes and the smile on her face take my breath away and, in that moment, all I want is to take Aria in my arms. All I want is to hold and kiss her and spend the night making love to the sound of the ocean thundering upon the shoreline.

“Nobody has ever done something so thoughtful for me before,” she says, her voice soft. “This is… all I can say is, this is amazing, Silas.”

“You deserve only the best, Aria. And I intend to give that to you.”

She holds onto my hand tightly, that smile of hers enchanting. It’s almost as if it has a gravity all its own and has pulled me in so deep, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to escape from it. More than that though, I don’t think I’d want to even if I could.



Dinner was spectacular. I’ve never eaten something so amazing before. And the ambiance, with the sound and smell of the ocean and the moonlight…I feel like I’m on cloud nine. I feel like a princess in a fairy tale. And as I gaze across the table at Silas and watch the way the candlelight flickers across the sharp angles and planes of his face, I feel my heart skip a beat. My stomach clenches so tight, I have a hard time breathing for a moment.

“Thank you, Silas. This evening has been…perfect. Magical,” I say.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

His smile ignites a burst of fire inside of me that warms me up from the inside. Or maybe it’s all the wine I’ve had tonight. Whatever the case, there’s a warmth spreading from my belly, along my skin, and makes me quiver between my thighs. Just staring into those icy blue eyes of his is making me grow hotter and slicker.

I take a drink of my cappuccino to wet my suddenly dry throat and lick the foam off my lips. Silas holds my gaze and the intensity I see in his eyes only fuels that fire already burning in me. It’s then that I realize I’m not ready for this evening to end. More than that though, for the first time in my life, I realize that I want even more from the evening.

“What are you thinking?” Silas asks.

His deep, rumbling voice washes over me like a physical vibration. And it feels good. I close my eyes for a moment and bite my bottom lip to keep myself quiet, savoring this moment in time with Silas. I open my eyes again and smile softly.

“I was just thinking that I’m not ready to go home yet,” I tell him.

“No? We could go down to the lounge and have a nightcap if you’d like?”

I trace circles on the white tablecloth with the tip of my finger and look down for a moment. My throat is dry again and my heart is beating so hard, I’m half-expecting it to burst straight out of my chest. I can’t believe the thoughts that are going through my mind right now and I’m giving it a minute to decide whether it’s something I should give voice to or not.

When I raise my eyes to his again, I get that quiver between my legs again and feel like it’s a foregone conclusion. My lips are dry and even licking them doesn’t seem to moisten them any more than swallowing does my throat. The shaking that started in my legs has made its way through my entire body and my heart has gone from racing to feeling like it’s on the verge of stopping altogether.

“I don’t want to go to the lounge for a nightcap,” I say. “I…I want to get a room.”

My face is burning and I’m sure it’s a shade of red not normally found in nature. Unable to meet his eyes, I turn my head, but Silas reaches across the table to cup my chin and raise my head, forcing me to look him in the eye. His expression is sober but the fires of need I see burning in his eyes overwhelm me.

“Are you sure?” he asks. “Is that what you really want?”

“Yes,” I reply. “More than I think I’ve ever wanted anything before.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Silas’ smile is sultry and sends waves of anticipation rolling through me. He jumps to his feet like he was shot out of a cannon and disappears. I blow out a long breath and try to steady my nerves and try to fight off the guilt that’s creeping in at the edges of my consciousness. I’m not used to doing anything for myself. I’m not used to doing something without having to think about how it’s going to impact my little brother’s life or the ramifications it will have on my own. I’m not used to doing something just for me. It’s just not something that I’ve ever been able to do in my life. As I wait for Silas to come back though, I can’t keep the smile off my face and the anticipation from making me even wetter.
