Page 22 of Lawyer

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“It was beyond amazing. So, thank you,” I reply. “When can I see you again?”

“I don’t know—”

“How about tonight?”

She laughs. “Tonight, huh? I thought most guys waited a few days to call.”

“I’m not most guys.”

She looks at me from the passenger seat for a long moment, her eyes sparkling, and her full lips stretched in a smile that’s breathtaking. Flashes of last night flow through my mind and I feel my cock stirring again as I think about being deep inside of her. As I think about the way I marked her with my seed. She’s mine now. Aria Benson is all mine.

“No, you’re not,” she says.

“So? Tonight?”

She nods. “How about I make you dinner tonight?”

“You can cook?”

Aria sticks her tongue out at me. “Yes, I can cook. I’m pretty damn good at it to, if I do say so myself.”

“All right, you’re on. Just send your list over to my assistant and I’ll have her do the shopping—”

“I am perfectly capable of doing the shopping.”

“If you’re going to cook, the least I can do is buy the groceries.”

Aria looks at me for a long moment as if considering my words then nods. “Okay, fair enough. I’ll send a list over in just a bit.”

“Looking forward to tonight.”

“Me too,” she says as her cheeks flush.

Aria leans over and gives me a lingering, passionate kiss before slipping out of my car. I watch her walk into her building with a pang of regret. I hate her living in this shithole. But there’s nothing I can do about it today. Right now, I have bigger fish to fry. Not even the prospect of what I have to do today can dull the shine I’m feeling. Last night really was incredible and I feel like no matter what, I’m going to be walking on sunshine all damn day. I honestly can’t recall that last time I smiled this much or the idea of ‘walking on sunshine’ even entered my mind. It’s not like me at all, and it’s all because she’s not like any other woman on the face of the planet. She’s one of a kind, a real life angel, and she’s mine all mine.

I dial Bruno’s number and route the call through the car’s speakers as I pull away from the curb. The line rings once and then twice before he picks up.

“Warner,” he answers.

“Bruno, it’s Silas,” I say. “Did you find him?”

Bruno is the law firm’s in-house investigator and he’s very good at what he does. Aside from being very tech-savvy, he’s a goddamn wizard when it comes to finding people who don’t want to be found. He’s batting close to a thousand when it comes to running down the deadbeats and deviants. I’m curious about how he does it, but I have a feeling he’d never tell me. A magician doesn’t reveal his secrets after all.

“Yeah, I found him. Piece of cake,” Bruno says. “I was actually hoping for a bit of a challenge, Silas. I need to keep my brain working to stay sharp.”

I laugh. “Well, in that case, I need you to track down Jimmy Hoffa for me.”

“Now, why would I tell you where I buried that cat after all these years?”

“You’re a funny man, Bruno.”

“I have my moments,” he says. “I need to log this in, man. What case is this bozo associated with?”

“I was actually hoping we could keep this off the books.”

There’s a pause on the other end of the line. Bruno has been a hacker most of his life and has undoubtedly crossed a few lines here and there along the way. But since coming to work for the firm, he’s been a straight arrow. He does things by the book and doesn’t usually color outside the lines. Mostly because rather than hacking from the basement at his mom’s house, he has a cool office, lots of toys, and a fat paycheck—and the last thing he wants to do is jeopardize any of that.

Not that I blame him. He’s got a cushy gig and the partners would throw a fit if they knew I had him tracking somebody not associated with one of our cases. They’re prickly about using the firm’s resources for personal gain. But fuck them. After they fucked me over in favor of August’s son, I really don’t give a damn anymore.
