Page 25 of Lawyer

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Lucas draws in a breath and is doing his best to keep from shaking. He’s not very successful at it. But having delivered my warning, I turn and walk away, making sure he can see me opening every baggie in my pocket and dumping it out as I go. I can practically feel the heat of his rage even from as far away as I am right now.

I make it back to my car and look back toward where Lucas is still leaning against the railing. He’s out of product so I imagine he’s standing there fantasizing about the myriad of ways he’s going to murder me. I laugh to myself again as I slip behind the wheel. I have absolutely zero faith that Lucas will do as he says. He’s going to take a run at me. Which is good, since it will keep the focus off Aria. And it’s also good because I can handle Lucas. At his core, he’s a coward and will run at the first sign of a fair fight.

But I had to deliver my warning. I had to let him know the consequences of his actions. I’m fair like that. But this was just a prelude to the fight I know is coming. And it’s one that is going to have a permanent solution for Lucas.



“This all smells absolutely amazing. If I’d known you were so talented, I would have hired you to be my personal chef,” Silas says.

“You still can since my services are no longer required at the bar,” I reply.

I frown and feel the tears welling in my eyes as Dale’s voice echoes through my head. He called me shortly after Silas had dropped me off earlier today and had told me he’d received another complaint about me and was letting me go. I had burst into tears and knew it was Lucas who’d called to complain again. But Dale wasn’t having any of it. He said he’d mail my last check to me, but I wasn’t to set foot in his bar again.

It’s stupid. I hate that job. I mean, I really hate that job. But it’s the only job somebody like me can get. I don’t know how I’m supposed to pay my bills or now that I’m not working for Lucas anymore, pay for my brother’s tuition. The tears spill down my cheeks as I feel like my life is starting to unravel all around me. And oh yeah, I still have a potential jail sentence hanging over my head.

My heart races harder than if I’d just run a marathon and the knots in my stomach pull so tight, I double over in pain. I’m trembling from head to toe and suddenly feel battered by waves of nausea. The acidic taste of bile in the back of my throat is thick and all I want is to run away from all my problems. To run away from life, this world, and everybody in it.

But then Silas is there, pulling me into a warm embrace. His big arms wrapped around me feel nice. It makes me feel safe. Protected. His body is firm and yet still soft and the heat coming off him seeps into me, warming me, making me feel sheltered. But even more than that, it makes me feel well cared for. Maybe even loved.

“I hated you working there anyway,” he says, his deep voice rumbling through my body. “That was a shitty place and a shittier job.”

I gently push away from him and dab at my eyes with the corner of the apron I’m wearing. This was the last thing I wanted to happen tonight. I didn’t want to drop all my problems at his feet. But that train has already left the station and I can’t stop it now. The casual way he dismisses my problems angers me. The fact that he can say what he just did without stopping to think about my situation shows the privileged bubble he lives in. Our worlds are very different. Maybe too different to be truly compatible.

“Yeah, well, I don’t know what I’m going to do now, Silas,” I say. “That shitty place was the only thing keeping a roof over my head and food in my belly. That shitty job was the only thing keeping my brother back east and away from the gang life out here. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want him turning out like Lucas.”

“Everything is going to be all right,” he says quietly.

“I don’t know how you can say that.”

“Because we’re going to figure this all out. Together. We’re going to be okay,” he tells me. “I promise you that.”

I look into his crystalline blue eyes and see nothing but certainty in them. He means what he says. He believes it. And as I hold his gaze, as his confidence starts to seep into me, I find myself believing him. I find myself believing that somehow, some way, Silas is going to make things okay again.

“We’re going to do it together, Aria. We’ll be okay.”

“Okay. I believe you,” I reply in a whisper.

Silas pulls me closer and plants a soft kiss on the crown of my head. I melt into Silas, laying my head against his chest and listen to the steady thump of his heartbeat. It’s a comforting sound that starts to dull my anxieties, fears, and frustrations with each firm beat. He cups my chin and raises my head, his blue eyes smoldering, the desire I see in them making my entire body quiver. I swallow hard, trying to work some moisture into my mouth and lick my trembling lips and I suddenly feel like I’m drowning in my desire.

He leans down, pressing his mouth to mine. Silas’ kiss is tender and gentle, his tongue slowly and languidly swirling around my own. I lean back against the counter and run my hands up the hard planes of his chest. Silas rakes his fingers through my hair and gently pulls my head backward, planting a line of soft kisses down my neck. My every nerve ending feels like it’s sparking with electricity and a delicious shudder runs through me.

I reach down and grab Silas’ cock through his slacks, rubbing and stroking him, shivering as I feel him growing in my hand. He moans softly and his kiss grows intense and fiery, and he leans into me, pressing my back up against the counter even harder. Just kissing him and feeling his firm body pressed to mine, feeling his rigid dick in my hand drives away the negative emotions that had been engulfing me since I got that call from Dale earlier today. His ability to take away even my darkest thoughts amazes me. This power he has over me is overwhelming.

I reach my hand into his slacks and grab hold of his firm dick, stroking and squeezing it. Silas moans softly and pulls back, looking down at me through eyes filled with heat and passion. The way he looks at me, like I’m not just the most beautiful woman in the world, but the only woman in the world, sparks a blazing inferno inside of me and I’m powerless to do anything but give myself over to it.

My skin tingles and my stomach churns wildly as I drop to my knees in front of him. I unbuckle Silas’s belt and pull his pants down, letting them pool around his feet. Gripping his stiff cock again, I look up at Silas and bite my bottom lip as I slowly stroke his dick. I slide my hand up and down his thick shaft and lick my lips suggestively. Silas’ eyes are fixed on mine and his body is quivering as I lean forward. And when the tip of my tongue touches the head of his dick, Silas lets out a soft groan.

His groans grow even louder, and his trembling more pronounced as I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock, licking that sensitive spot just underneath the tip even harder. And when I open my mouth and take him all the way in, Silas moans my name softly. He tangles his fingers in my hair, pulling on it gently as I slide my mouth up and down his cock. I suck him harder, my head bobbing up and down even faster as I reach up and take hold of his balls, giving them a firm squeeze that makes him yelp softly.

I wrap my lips around his thick shaft and suck him even harder. Silas pumps his hips, driving his cock into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I pull his cock out, sputtering and coughing, and slide my hands up and down his rigid length that gleams wetly with my saliva. I plant a line of soft kisses up his shaft and swirl my tongue around the tip again, never breaking eye contact with him. Silas’ face darkens and that smoldering fire of desire burns even brighter and hotter in his eyes.

I feel his body grow taut and a shudder coming from deep within him. His cock throbs against my tongue and a throaty growl passes his lips. With a shaky laugh, Silas steps back, pulling his dick out of my mouth.

“Slow down. I’m not ready to come yet,” he says. “Jesus, Aria. I thought you were a virgin. Where’d you learn to do that?”

A crooked grin crosses my lips and I feel a rush of pride filling me knowing I made him feel good. Not bad for a first timer.
