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Yeah, there’s no hiding it anymore. I’ve gone silly for the beast in front of me.

"He admires you," I break the silence the best way I can. "It's adorable."

"He's a good kid," Cain says.

And then it all comes tumbling down on me. Damn, how could I be so stupid?

“I’m sorry to hear of your brother’s passing."

“My brother?” A perfect brow raises above Cain’s eye.

“Tony called you his uncle.”

“By his father’s request, I’m sure." His face sinks on admitting it, and he turns away from me to hide the sadness coating his words. If it were my place to do so, I might tell him not to. On a day like today, he can feel and show his emotions however he wants to. There’s no reason to hide behind strength when you’re reeling from a loss. But it isn’t my place. I don’t know this man, and I don’t know what he’s going through. The best I can do for him is offer a brief respite from the unfortunate events.

“He was a close friend of mine. I guess if you look deep enough, you could’ve called us brothers.” With sadness in his eye, Cain forces a smile to his face.

“I see. Still, my sincerest apologies for what happened.” I offer him a reassuring touch on the shoulder, and a guttural sound emits from the back of his throat. It was so quiet, so sudden my ears might be deceiving me, but I swear I heard it. And the way his eyes linger on my hand resting gently on the fabric of his suit assure me that I did.

There has to be something wrong with me. I’m at a funeral, surrounded by people I don’t know, each one looking meaner than the last, and I’m busy getting misty-eyed over this stranger. But I can’t stop myself. As much as I want to, I’m drawn to him.

“I hope I didn’t scare either of you too badly,” Cain shifts the conversation while brushing away non-existent fluff off his sleeve. “Something came over me.”

“I kept Tony’s eyes covered for it.” As if that was any real way of hiding him from it. “I, for one, enjoyed the show.”

Did I really admit my enjoyment of him beating on someone for me? Heat rushes to my cheeks, and I turn away to hide my embarrassment.

But it’s more than that he handled it, it’s how he took care of the four thugs making their cat calls. He stepped in without care or concern, he kicked them around and showed them who’s. . . boss.

“You did?” A smug grin trickles over his marble jaw.

“No one’s ever done it for me before, Cain.” Saying his name out loud for the first time inspires the butterflies in my belly to start swarming.

“Hmm,” Cain grumbles.

“What’s wrong?” I withdraw my hand from touching him, in case it's the reason for his low grumble. But on the removal of my touch, Cain’s eyes sink the same way they had when talking of his fallenbrother.

“You see, it’s just that my introduction was cut short by Tony. I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing your name.” He leans closer as if I’m about to whisper some fairytale about pirate treasure or the fountain of youth.

“Alyssa,” I say. My name feels foreign in my mouth, having had the pleasure of saying his out loud. “Alyssa Dresden.”

“Well, miss Dresden, it’s an absolute pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Cain extends a hand for a formal shake. I take it, but he shows no strength in his squeeze, instead lifting my knuckles to his lips and pressing a firm kiss against them.

My legs turn to jelly, and if I wore the black high-heels I prepared for today instead of platform shoes, I’d have tumbled to my ass.

“Mr. Hawthorne, I hate to intrude,” someone says behind Cain. A long sigh rumbles through his body. He doesn’t release my hand, bringing it to his side while turning to face the newcomer.

Though tall, the second man still seems short beside Cain. He’s old and balding, whereas Cain has a thick mat of slicked-back hair and youthful vigor in his eyes. Most impressively, you could probably fit two of the older man inside Cain.

“What is it, Emilio?” Cain asks.

“It’s time.”

“Oh, yes, I suppose it is,” Cain checks his golden watch. “Have everyone gather around. We put a good man to rest today.”

For a brief moment, when I looked into Cain’s eyes, I could’ve sworn we were anywhere else but here. There was no sorrow or mourning, only he and I in some sweet embrace. The reality of my situation is a crushing weight, and it brings me great sadness.

“Yes, sir,” Emilio says and walks off to fulfill his order.
