Page 51 of Outside the Pack

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“Thankfully, no. She just got sick, and we didn’t have the resources we needed to save her life.” He removed the soda tab from the can as he thought about his family. “I wish she could see how far we’ve come as a pack.”

Sensing that he might need a bit of comforting too, I leaned my head against him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. His body heat blocked the cool breeze that passed by, and I closed my eyes, appreciating the warmth of Jasper’s body. So many members of the Wargs had suffered losses, and I felt myself softening even more for these wolves.

Suddenly, a quiet spread among the group. The volume of the music lowered, and I heard someone mention the word “Alpha.” Rather than feel fearful about Night finding me away from Violet’s cabin, I lifted my head, looking for the green eyes I had dreamt of. I found them peering from the darkness on the other side of the fire. As he stepped into the firelight, he looked at me with a strange mix of anger and…longing?

Night growled something I didn’t understand, and the male wolves, Jasper included, all bowed their heads and moved to start tearing everything down. The female wolves were quick to help them. Tavi had her hands on her hips and said something to Night, but I couldn’t understand her either. Whatever she said must not have sunk in because the powerful Alpha stalked around the fire, making a beeline for me.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my feet, dragging me away from the bonfire and toward Violet’s cabin.

“Haven’t I been fucking lenient?” he asked. “I thought letting you hang out with Octavia and working in the mess hall was harmless, but clearly, I was just falling into one of your plans to escape, huh?”

I tried to snatch my hand back even though it was useless. How could I have ever thought I would want to see this asshole again? “What plans are you talking about? Violet and Tavi had to beg for those privileges on my behalf. You didn’t let me do those things out of the goodness of your heart. And you were the one who said I could go to the bonfire! What were you planning when you gave the okay?”

He laughed, but it was a harsh sound without even a hint of mirth. “This is ridiculous. This conversation, the situation—all of it is ridiculous. I keep making mistake after mistake with you, don’t I? Maybe I ought to put you under lock and key again, but this time I‘ll put you somewhere so far away, no one will be able to find you.”

I kicked the back of his leg, but he didn’t slow his pace. “Fine! Do it! Lock me up and hide me away where you won’t have to be burdened with my presence. Oh, wait—the whole reason I’m here is because you kidnapped me, you stupid asshole!”

“You think I won’t do it? Anything would be better than watching you sit in another man’s lap.”

“Oh, fuck off, Night. Like you give a damn about what I do or who I do it with! It’s not like I ever see you. You avoid me like I’m some disease.”

“A disease? More like a plague.”

“Oh, that’s real nice, Night. Real nice.”

We stood on the deck in front of Violet’s cabin now and Night, to my surprise, finally let me go. I got as close to his face as I could get and glared up into those gorgeous, emerald eyes.

“I don’t want you leaving the grounds after tonight. You’re confined here until further notice.”

“Like hell I’m staying here.”

“You. Are. A. Prisoner.”

“I. Know!” I wished I could get him to understand, to see things from my point of view.

“Then maybe you should start acting like it.”

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. “Up until I met Tavi, I did nothing but plan my escape from this place, and you know what I fucking realized? I can’t. Either your sentries will hunt me down, or I’ll die in the woods trying to make my way back. Why do you insist on being an asshole and not let me at least pretend to be an actual person?”

“If you know you can’t escape, why are you being so combative?”

“Maybe I’m not being clear enough, Night, so I want you to watch me as I say this to you—I never wanted to come here. All I wanted was to be free of my situation back home. I just wanted to feel…safe…” I trailed off. The moment I’d said, “watch me” and pointed to my mouth, his eyes had dropped to my lips. The furious, hot energy between us began to shift and morph into something more tender.

Night’s own lips began to part as he looked at my mouth, and his eyes shifted from an intense emerald to a softer chartreuse shade of green. My stomach filled with flutters as he shifted toward me, bending slightly. Is…is he going to kiss me?

Before I could find out, a howl pierced the night air. Night stiffened, his head cocking toward the sound of the howl. His expression darkened, and he pushed me toward the door.

“Get inside, and don’t leave my mother’s side.”

I stumbled against the door, looking at him with wide eyes. “Wait, what’s happening? What’s wrong?”

He glanced back at me, and for a moment, I saw something like regret flash in his eyes before he returned his attention to the forest. “I have to go. There’s been a breach on the border.”

I gasped.

“The Kings are attacking my pack.” That last word became an angry growl, and he jumped off the deck, shifting in mid-air. The moment his paws touched the ground, he sprinted for the trees, leaving torn fragments of clothes to flutter in the wind behind him.

I stood alone on the porch, staring after him. Part of me longed to follow him, but I couldn’t decide if it was because I saw an opportunity to escape or because I wanted to make sure he was okay.
