Page 87 of Outside the Pack

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I started to calm him down, to parse out what the boy could mean, but a wave of dread washed over me, unlike any I had felt before. It clutched me by the heart, squeezing and squeezing like it wanted to stop my heart from beating altogether.

Dom took the boy when I stilled. He wiped the tears from Pax’s face with a tissue. “Tell me what’s going on, Pax. What’s got you so hurt?”

But I already knew. Somehow, I knew.

“I went to give Bryn a picture I drew for her in school,” he said. It was hard to understand him between his sobs, but with a bit of focus, Dom and I heard him clearly. “But there were wolves running around and around the cabin. They weren’t pack. They smelled weird. Bad. I knew Bryn was in danger, so I shifted, but they pushed me back and held me down. I was so scared. I heard screaming in the cabin, but they wouldn’t let me go until they’d already done it.” He paused to fill his lungs with a deep, shuddering breath. “I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t stop them. They took Bryn and Tavi from the house, and they ran off with them into the woods.”

I flew from the house, my feet covering the distance to Mom’s cabin in seconds. The door was already open, hanging from its hinges. The first scent that hit my nose was the stench of the Kings’ pack and of blood. My mom was on the floor in a pool of red, her throat a ruined mess. I dropped to my knees beside her still body, soaking my jeans in her blood. Dom burst into the house right after me, cursing and spitting at the scene.

Bryn and Tavi were gone, I could sense as much, but now that I was in the house, there was one scent that overpowered the others. I knew exactly who had done this.

He and I were supposed to have an arrangement. I still had two days left before it was time, but the fucker came onto my land, violated my turf, and hurt the three women I loved most.

Troy Redfield had come for my mate and my family. And he was going to fucking pay.
