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We were laying together on the roof of my grandfather’s house. The third story had a window that led out perfectly onto the flat part of the roof, and we would sit out there and watch the town of Hampton beneath us. It was a small town that I went to every summer to stay with my grandparents. My grandmother had passed away the year before, so this was the first time that I was here all summer by myself. It was just me and my grandfather. We had a great summer, so many memorable times. It was the summer I knew I was never going to be able to forget. Not when I considered meeting Frank and all the antics we had gotten involved in.

“I can't believe you already have to leave. I wish you could stay here longer.”

I told him that I wished the same thing, but I had to get back to Dayton where my family was. School started in another week. I looked over at Frank with his kind blue eyes and I could tell that he was bothered as well. Never before had I wanted to stay so badly.

Hampton was usually the last place that I wanted to go, but this time it was different. This time, I had found someone to share all my secrets and adventures with. Frank knew things about me that nobody else knew. I felt like he got me and that was really important to a fifteen-year-old such as myself.

He sat up and looked at me. We had talked about my leaving. It wasn't like it was just sprung on him, but Frank was acting like it just happened so fast. Before I realized how great my summer was going to be, I felt like it was already too late. It was already getting light out later and later, and the sun was going down sooner and sooner. It was clear to see that the summer was dwindling fast. I had to leave in the morning, and it was all I could do not to lose it in front of Frank. It would have been embarrassing.

“I don't want you to go.”

“I know, Frank. I want to stay as well, but my parents would never let me. I think the only reason they let me come for the summer is so that they can get some time away from me.”

“Let them have the whole year. I want you to stay. You can come to school with me. You'd like it.”

He had talked like that before, and although I loved the idea of it, I knew not to give it much thought because there was no way that they would let it happen. I had to go to the school that was private, and they paid a lot for it. Somehow, it was supposed to be better.

It didn't feel better to me, though. I wanted to stay in Hampton, where I was happy. Why couldn’t they just let me stay?

I would fantasize about asking them and them telling me that I could. Then, whatever was happening with me and Frank could continue. It was the summer of love, as far as I was concerned. I wanted it to continue just as badly as Frank said that he did, but I knew better. I knew it wasn’t going to happen, so I tried not to let any sort of hope in. There was no room for hope.

My mind was so wrapped up in what was going on, that I didn't notice that Frank was getting closer. When I looked over to say something, he pulled me in for a kiss, and it caught me off guard for a moment. I was not expecting that, and it was shock more than need that had me responding to his touch.

His lips were always so soft yet demanding. Frank was the first boy that I had ever kissed, and if he was any judge, I liked it a whole lot. When I was with Frank, everything just made sense. He made me feel things that no one else had ever done before. I was young, but even then, I knew that what we had together was special. In hindsight, though, I didn’t appreciate it enough.

I pulled away and gave him a look that told him that I didn't think we should go any further. No matter how much fun we had this summer, I still wasn't ready. I liked to think that I would be ready soon. I knew that when I was, Frank would be the person that I went to. I just wasn't quite there yet.

“You can't go, Amber. I don't know what I'm going to do without you if you do.”

I told him that I had to go, that he knew I had to go. Frank agreed and relented. I could tell that it was still bothering him, but at least he wasn’t going to fight it, anymore.

“I won't forget about you, Frank, just like I hope you won't forget about me. Next summer will be here before you know it, and then we can start right where we left off. It’s not going to be for that long.”

“Yeah, but what happens if you don't come back?”

“Since I come back every year, I don’t think that next year would be any different. I am going to come back, Frank. Maybe you can wait for me. Wouldn’t it be worth it?”

He kissed me again, telling me that it would be worth it. My body was trembling when he pulled away.

“It will be worth it. I know it. I am just not liking the idea that we’re going to have to wait for months to see each other again.”

I touched his face. “It will go by quicker than you can imagine. I will see you again before you know it.”
