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Iwas just about to doze off, Amber was in my arms, and her phone would not stop ringing. I answered it and a woman asked me who I was. She wasn't rude about it, but she certainly did not expect anyone but Amber to answer the phone.

“She's a bit detained right now. Is there something that I can pass on along to her?”

“Who are you?”

“Like I said, we're just old friends. We've known each other a long time.”

“Well, I've never heard of you and I was calling to find out why she didn't take her flight.”

“Where was she going?”

“Back home to Chicago. She called me earlier today and told me to get her a flight. I found one, sent her all the details, and then she never got on it. Is she okay?”

I told the curious woman that she was fine, but I was bothered by how quickly she was ready to leave. I may have missed my chance for good, if something hadn’t come over her. I didn't even think that it was me that had made a difference. Amber had decided that we were going to be together and we were. I was not mistaken to think that I had a say in it.

“Well, I really need to talk to her. Am I supposed to get her another flight for the morning?”

“No, I don't think that will be necessary.”

She started to ask me what I meant by that, but I hung up the phone. If I didn't technically hear it, I didn't have to push the information out the other way. I even turned her phone off, just because I didn't want it to wake us. More than that, I didn't want her to talk to whoever that was on the phone. They wanted to take her away from me, and after what just happened between us, I was certainly not ready for that. I was ready to lay next to her for a little while and then take her another time. I didn't think I was ever going to get sick of how Amber felt. She felt amazing.

I worried that she was going to leave. I hadn't even got to all of my secrets, and she was already ready to take off again. What was I going to do if she actually left? I didn't even want to think about it, but at the same time, I knew I had to. I was not stupid enough to think that I couldn’t lose her. I had already lost her once before. I damn sure knew that I could do it again.

Laying back down, I cursed after a moment. Even after satisfying myself completely with her, I still wasn't going to be able to get any damn sleep.

“Frank, have you seen my phone?”

“Your phone?”

I was just getting up and getting out of the shower. Amber was asking me about her phone, but I didn't want to tell her that I had chucked it underneath the bed in the far corner. She would find it, eventually, I was sure of it, but it didn't mean that I wanted her to. Whoever it was that I had talked to before, the one that wanted her to get back on the plane and go back to Chicago, I had no desire for her to talk to her at all. Gemma could keep her opinions to herself.

“Will you help me look for it?”

“Or, come back to bed with me?”

She waved me off and told me that we had been in bed too much. I questioned the validity of that statement. Could we really be in bed too much? I didn't think it was possible.

I took the towel off of my waist, and I didn't have to do anything. It was already rock hard thinking about her. It was truly like it had a mind of its own, and it wanted Amber every second.

She just looked at it and shook her head. I could see the gleam in her emerald eyes, but I could also see that it wasn't going to be enough. While I wanted her to take one look at my hard length and want to jump on it, it was quite obvious that she had something holding her back. When she told me no and I asked her why, she simply said that she was too sore to even think about it.

“Was I too rough with you last night?”

Her face got a little red and for a minute, I thought she was going to hide it. How strange it was to see her so nervous, like we hadn't fucked each other’s brains out only a few hours ago. I don't know what necessarily had changed, but she was acting like she wasn't sure about me. I truly did not like the feeling of that at all.

“No, I wish you would stop asking. It was fine. More than fine, and I think you know that, because I came like fifty times.”

“Then why don't you want to make it fifty-one?”

She groaned and shook her head. “You really don't get how badly I want to. But I really don't think I would be able to walk. It's already bad enough that half of the neighborhood heard us. I don't think I can take anymore right now.”

“I can always put a gag on your mouth. Then you won't be able to say anything.”

I was kind of joking. Kind of not. She had this super serious look on her face, though, and she looked at me like I might do that very thing. I wasn't planning on it, but now…maybe.

Covering back up because it did me no good, she asked if I wanted to go to some other old haunts. I knew exactly where she was talking about, and I have to admit that I was looking forward to it. How long had it been since I had gone to the park?

We used to sit on the picnic tables and talk about everything, mainly how much life was going to be different when we were grownups. The only difference that I could see was that I needed her more than ever before.

We got dressed and both of us were quiet on the way to Hayes Park. I hadn't been there in years, but I knew that it was going to bring back all the old memories. I think that was the point, or at least that was what seemed to be happening. Everything reminded me that we were meant to be together.
